"The Capture of Major Andre." Engraving

Durand, A.B. (after), Jones, Alfred. Smillie, James. & Hinshelwood, Robert. (engravers)

Published by American Art Union, New York, 1846

From Antipodean Books, Maps & Prints, ABAA, Garrison, NY, U.S.A. Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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Handsome engraving dramatising Major Andre's capture. From a painting by A.B. Durand in the possession of the Honble. James K. Paulding. Published by the American Art Union exclusively for the members 1846. Andre was adjutant to the British General Henry Clinton, and is shown here in civilian clothes, his boots & hat removed, with the American patriot Hiram Paulding turning away from him with his arm outstretched in rejection, his other hand holding the compromising papers. Andre had negotiated the surrender of West Point with Benedict Arnold. He was hung by the Americans as a spy; in Britain, he was memorialized as a hero. Engraving after the painting by Asher B. Durand; the figures engraved by Alfred Jones and the landscape by Smillie and Hinshelwood. First issued in 1846 by the American Art Union. Copper engraving black and white as issued, 18 x 15 1/2" plus margins. Lightly toned, a strong impression. Seller Inventory # 24223

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Bibliographic Details

Title: "The Capture of Major Andre." Engraving
Publisher: American Art Union, New York
Publication Date: 1846
Condition: Very good overall
Edition: First printing.

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