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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware 460 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -lowe the present book to the encouragement and guidance of my friends, for which I am moSll: indebted to them. This applies in the first place to Dr. P. Middelkoop, who worked in Timor for more than thirty years as a missionary and bible translator. My gratitude for all the help he has given can hardly be expressed in words, and I can do no more than simply say that this book is to a large extent also his book - the writing of it could not have been accomplished without his valued assistance. He has given up many an evening to the an swering of my countless questions with his inexhaustible knowledge of the language and culture of the Atoni. am also deeply grateful to Professor L. Onvlee, who acted as my I supervisor during the preparation of the D1.lII:ch version of this book for submission as a doctoral thesis (H et Politieke Systeem van de A toni van Timor, Driebergen, 1966, 278 pp.). But for the many stimulating conversations I was able to enjoy with him I would never have acquired the approach to our subject which lies at the basis of this book, namely that the essential point is the study of man in his culture, and that even in the analysis of one particular aspect of a cul.ture we are dealing with the culture as a whole and with man as the bearer of that cuLture. 560 pp. Englisch.

  • David B. Michals

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9401184933ISBN 13: 9789401184939

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Since World War I scholars and practitioners alike have addressed themselves to defining and assessing the 'new diplomacy,' which the British diplomatist Harold Nicolson has branded the 'American method.' He distinguishes contemporary practice from earlier forms of diplomacy which, in The Evolution of Diplomatic Method (1954), on the basis of historical orientation, he designates the Greek, Roman, Italian, and French 'systems' of diplo macy, in this order. Intensified multilaterial, as differentiated from bilateral, diplomacy - or what Lord Maurice Hankey treats as Diplomacy by Con ference (1946) - has become one of the principal qualities characterizing twentieth century diplomatic usage. 'Conference diplomacy,' in turn, consists of both ad hoc and regularized components. The latter, sometimes designated 'parliamentary diplomacy,' is essentially a form of institutionalized conferencing permeating the func tioning of permanent mechanisms called international organizations. Within them member states pursue national and collective interests and espouse national policies, confer and negotiate respecting mutual problems, engage in forensic and often public exposition, and reduce decision making, but usually only ostensibly, to a formalized voting process. 272 pp. Englisch.

  • Martin Lang

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9401504547ISBN 13: 9789401504546

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -ORTSBESTIMMUNG DER PHILOSOPHISCHEN GRAMMATIK I. Absicht dieser Arbeit ist es, ein wenig Licht in die teils komischen, teils lebensgefährlichen Aspekte der Aufsplitterung unseres Lebens in h eines vor und in eines nach I7 zu bringen, und zwar anhand des Ent wicklungsgangs der Wittgensteinschen Philosophischen Grammatik. Das aufgezeigte Problem kursiert unter vielen Titeln und Etiketten: Theorie und Praxis, Wissen und Glauben, Beruf und Freizeit o. ä. Diese Auf zählungen möchten allerdings kein Unvermögen des Verfassers andeuten, sich auf einen Titel festzulegen. Vielmehr ist es ein wichtiges Resultat Wittgensteinschen Philosophierens, dass verschiedene Sinne nicht selbiges vermeinen, insofern sie denselben Gegenstand meinen, sondern sofern sich der Sinn als Sinn durchhält, d. i. als Gebrauch im Umlauf ist. Insofern der Verfasser mit Wittgenstein die Partikel 'd. h. ', 'd. i. ', 'm. a. W. ' und ähnliche für das Philosophieren für konstitutiv und eigentümlich hält, also, mithin die Bestimmung 'Sinn ist Sinn als Sinn'! zu erfüllen ver sucht (trotz der penetranten Häufung in einer derartigen Exposition), können die Untersuchungen zunächst als 'subjektiv', bzw. 'transzen dental' bezeichnet werden. Die nähere Lokalisierung des Themas wird in drei Zügen vorgenommen: das populäre Gegensatzpaar 'Ideologie' lmd 'Wissenschaft' führt uns zu den in einer bestimmten philosophischen Tradition fixierten Begriffen 'Lebenswelt' und 'technische Welt', deren Widerstreit wiederum von L. Eley auf das ungeklärte Verhältnis von Phänomenologie und Logik zurückgeführt worden ist. Nach dieser Orts bestimmung wird hoffentlich einigermassen verständlich, dass die Kenn zeichnung Wittgensteins als eines Aufklärers nicht nur nicht logische Untersuchungen verbietet, sondern sie vielmehr notwendig macht. 172 pp. Deutsch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Das Problem der Grundlegung der Ethik wurde am Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts mit der Frage nach der 'naturalistic fallacy' in England 1 und durch einen phänomenologischen Versuch auf Grund der Werttheorie auf dem Kontinent 2 wiederum zu einem der brennenden Themen der gegenwärtigen philosophischen Be sinnung. Während es als ein zentrales Problem in der deutschen Philo sophie seit Nicolai Hartmanns 'Ethik' in Vergessenheit geraten und durch die 'Existenzphilosophie' fast abgelöst zu sein scheint, drängt sich die philosophische Besinnung auf dieses Problem in Großbritannien und den Vereinigten Staaten auf der Basis der neu entwickelten 'analytischen Philosophie' bis heute weiter in den Vordergrund 3. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse ihrer scharfsinni gen Analyse bieten vielleicht für unsere Fragestellung eine ganz neue Perspektive. Damit ist aber nicht gesagt, daß jene 'analy tisch-philosophischen Bestrebungen' die Frage nach dem Problem der Grundlegung der Ethik schon klar und eindeutig beantwortet hätten, sondern nur, daß sie die Streitfrage nun viel präziser her ausgestellt haben. Dabei handelt es sich einerseits um die Bestim mung des Wesens von sittlich 'Gut' und 'Böse' und der Werte überhaupt, worüber sich 'Intuitionisten' und 'Reduktionisten' 1 Wie wohl schon bekannt ist, hob G. E. Moore die 'naturalistic fallacy' in seinem Werk Principia Ethica (S. 6-17 u. a. ) hervor und glaubte, die naturalistischen sowie die metaphysischen Reduktionismen damit zurückzuweisen und einen utilitaristischen Intuitionismus zu begründen. S Wenn auch verschiedene Versuche von den Neukantianern sowie von Franz Brentano unternommen worden sind, muß man Max Scheler auf diesem Gebiet den den Ausschlag gebenden Beitrag zusprechen. 156 pp. Deutsch.

  • Edward G. Ballard

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9024702844ISBN 13: 9789024702848

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Kant and Whitehead, and the Philosophy of Mathematics.- Whitehead on Symbolic Reference.- The Understanding of the Past.- Causal Efficacy and Continuity In Whitehead¿s Philosophy.- Whitehead¿s ¿Actual Occasion¿.- The Philosophy of Charles Hartshorne.- The Metaphysics of Whitehead¿s Feelings. 120 pp. Englisch.

  • Malcolm Clark

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9401502404ISBN 13: 9789401502405

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book will examine one of the oldest problems in understanding what Hegel was trying to do. What is the place of the Logic in the Hegelian system That is, how did Hegel see the relation between 'pure thought' and its origins or applications in our many forms of experience A novel approach to this old question has been adopted. This book will study Hegel's account of what he regarded as the closest 'illustrations' of pure thinking, namely the way we find our thought in language and the way philosophical truths are expressed in religious talk. The preface will indicate the problem and the approach. The introduction will examine three recent works on Hegel and suggest how they invite the sort of study which is pro posed here. There was a time when Hegel was read as the source of all wisdom, a time also when he was treated only as an occasion of ridicule. Both are now past. The attitude of metaphysicians is more cautious, that of their opponents more receptive. Each side is better prepared to allow those who hold an assured place in the history of philosophy to speak for themselves and reveal their achievements and their limits. In this atmosphere there is special reason, on both sides, for the study of Hegel. No one has made such extreme claims for metaphysical thought and developed it so extensively and systematically. No one has demanded more from posterity in the criticism of such thought. 228 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book will attempt to achieve a constructive and positive correla tion between mythic-symbolic language and philosophical anthropolo gy. It is intended as a reflection on the philosophical accomplishment of Paul Ricoeur. The term mythic-symbolic language in this context means the language of the multivalent symbol given in the myth with its psychological and poetic counterparts. The term symbol is not con ceived as an abstract sign as it is used in symbolic logic, but rather as a concrete phenomenon - religious, psychological, and poetic. The task inherent in this correlation is monumental when one considers the dual dilemma of problematic and possibility which is at its heart. The prob lematic arises out of the apparent difficulty presented by the so-called challenge of modernity which seems to require the elimination of my thic-symbolic language as an intelligible mode of communication. Mythic-symbolic language is sometimes eliminated because in a world molded by abstract conceptualizations of science, such a language is thought to be unintelligible. The claim is that its 'primitive' explana tions have been transcended by our modernity. Others believe that the problem of mythic-symbolic language is the problem of the myth. If the mythic forms of language could be eliminated, the truth of such language could be preserved through its translation into an intelligible mode of discourse. The problematic is heightened further by the relation of consider ations of language to philosophical anthropology. Any consideration of language involves a related view of the nature of man. 168 pp. Englisch.

  • Artur Glikson

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9401186758ISBN 13: 9789401186759

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -When Artur Glikson died in July 1966 he was still comparatively unknown; yet paradoxically he had an international reputation that went beyond town planning and architectural circles. As far back as 1955, when he was forty four years old, he was an active participant in the notable Wenner-Gren Conference on 'Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth,' where he presented the first paper in the present book. Seven years later he was the only nonscientist represented in the even more selective Ciba Foundation conference on Man and his Future. Though Glikson attended many other important international conferences, notably the International Seminar on Regional Planning in The Hague in 1957, and the International conference of Landscape Architects in Amsterdam in 1960, he has yet to leave his mark on the thought and practice of architects and planners, his own professional group. The fact that Artur Glikson's activities as a pioneer in sociological plan ning are still relatively unknown, might seem a handicap from the point of this book's getting the public or professional attention that it deserves. But this is perhaps the best reason for bringing out the assembled papers and giving a picture of their background in his personal experience. 140 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Die Soziologie wissenschaftlichen Ruhms ist weitgehend unerforscht. Ein Versuch, ihn mit behavioristischen Methoden für die Politikwissenschaft zu analysieren, den Somit und Tanenhaus unternahmen, zählt zu den Faktoren, die wissenschaftlichen Ruhm bedingen: originelle Ideen, Beiträge zur Syste matisierung, Anregung wissenschaftlicher Forschung, Publikation vielge brauchter Lehrbücher und organisatorische Fähigkeiten. Carl Joachim Friedrich wurde bei dieser Analyse - obwohl ihr gelegentlich ein behaviori stisches bias nachgesagt wurde - von einem grossen Prozentsatz der inter viewten Politikwissenschaftler sehr häufig zu den bedeutendsten Gelehrten seines Faches gezählt. Einmalig war die Dauer der wissenschaftlichen Hoch schätzung, die er in einer Zeit einer immer kurzlebiger werdenden wissen schaftlichen Reputation genoss. Friedrich war neben Lasswell einer der wenigen, die sowohl vor 1945 als auch nach 1945 unter den 15 bedeutendsten Politikwissenschaftlern genannt wurden. ! Es wird schwer sein, unter den fünf Voraussetzungen wissenschaftlicher Reputation einen einzelnen Grund für die Bedeutung C. J. Friedrichs herauszustellen. Neue Ideen entwickelte Friedrich - so umstritten manche (vor allem in der Totalitarismusforschung) gewesen sein mögen - besonders in der Erfor schung des Konstitutionalismus, des Föderalismus und des Totalitarismus. Seine bekanntesten Beiträge zur Systematisierung der Forschungsergebnisse sind die Werke 'Constitutional Government and Democracy' (1937 ff. ) und 'Man and His Government' (1963). 676 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -THE INTERNATIONAL PATENT-LEGISLATION AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES A major concern today in many fields of international cooperation is the development of the nonindustrialized part of the world. This was not always so. Until fairly recently contacts among States were basi cally limited to diplomatic intercourse. The concept of State sovereign ty naturally led to the application of the principle of legal reciprocity between States. In the few areas outside diplomatic relations where international cooperation developed during the last century the same principle of legal reciprocity was applied. The cooperation that did take place was mostly among a limited number of Western States. In case countries outside this group wished to participate they were free to do so on accepting the traditional standards for such cooperation. Though a few countries, which today would have been or are known as develop ing countries, did join in various schemes of international cooperation, the majority of them remained outside. Moreover, a large number of States, which today are known as developing, did not exist as sovereign States at the time. One of the areas in which a system of international cooperation was set up in the latter part of the nineteenth century was that of patent protection. 308 pp. Englisch.

  • Pavel Kalensky¿

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9401187371ISBN 13: 9789401187374

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -to Seeking the answer to the three basic questions of contempo rary private international law, I also deemed it essential to out line to the reader the historical development of the different concepts of this particular branch of law, for without the know ledge of this history it is impossible to understand the contempo rary problems. The fact that private international law oscillates between public international law and substantive municipal law as it is applied in individual countries creates considerable problems in both theory and practice. I have tried to deal with these problems in the third part of my study, concerning 'universa lism' and 'nationalism' in the doctrine of private international law, as well as in its fourth part, which is devoted to the object and nature of this law and its place in the overall system of law. The character of private international law, ensuing from the plurality of municipal laws - which also characterize the origin and existence of comparative jurisprudence - in spired me to produce the fifth part of this study, which prima rily tries to expJain the theoretical problems of comparative jurisprudence but does so - defining its objectives and possibili ties - in order to underline at the same time its role in private international law and in the law of international trade. 312 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The present study is concerned with the development and the applica tions of legal norms to situations of civil strife. It also deals in a less intensive way with problems of adjustment of these norms when the ambiance of the system changes. In particular it deals with the con cept of belligerent recognition, a standard well-suited to the needs of the international systeum nder a balance of power arrangement and to what extent this norm, which became fully developed during the nineteenth century, has been altered to meet the needs of the new international system which has been called a loose bipolar system. Revolution has been a classic theme of social and political thinkers throughout history. Some have regarded revolutions as completely unjustifiable, while others view them as a force for progress, if not the sole agent for major social adjustment. Political evolutionists re gard revolutions which erupt in social violence as necessary social con ditioning, as a way of selecting the political elite. Those who regard social violence as healthy and good, proceed to layout prudential rules for the conduct and successful conclusion of revolutions. Those who regard social violence as unhealthy and bad, tend to stress the norms of 'law and order'; and to hurl at revolutionists the imprecations of a moral law which enjoins necessary obedience to authority. The present treatise pursues none of these interesting possibilities. 156 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This is a study of the Military Government of Cuba from 1898 to 1902. Tracing and explaining the actions of General Leonard Wood's adminis tration during those years reveals how the United States Government re solved the questions of independence, strategic security, and economic inter ests in regard to Cuba. Leonard Wood, Secretary of War Elihu Root, Senator Orville H. Platt, and President William McKinley formulated and carried out policies that had a strong influence on subsequent Cuban-American relations. The broader aspects of this study, civil-military relations and American imperialism, are topics of importance to all citizens today. This is institutional and biographical history, written in the belief that a full ac count of the men, action, and circumstances will add to our understanding of the period when the United States emerged as a world power. I am indebted to Professors Gerald E. Wheeler of San Jose State College and Armin Rappaport of the University of California, San Diego, who di rected my research in the early stages, and to Professor Eric Bellquist of the University of California, Berkeley, for his criticism of the manuscript when it was in dissertation stage. To Professor Raymond J. Sontag I would like to pay special tribute for his guidance and inspiration through the years. The assistance of my mother, Mrs. Sue Hitchman, is deeply appreciated. My thanks go also to the staffs at the Library of the U. S. 252 pp. Englisch.

  • Maria J. L. Yperen

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9401501564ISBN 13: 9789401501569

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The Dutch version of Frontier Society (Samenleving in een Grens gebied) first appeared in 1949. A second Dutch edition of this work has been published in 1971, in the text of which a number of minor improve ments have been made and a few passages added here and there, though on the whole the work has remained unchanged. The English translation presented here is of the Dutch text for the second impression. It is more than twenty years since the book was first published. There have been no publications since which have induced me to introduce major corrections or additions to the original work, and although further research in the Public Record Office in The Hague has brought more material to light, this did not give cause for altering the picture presented or the examples given either. This is due in the first place to the character of the work, being an attempt at presenting a structural and historical analysis of the development of an exploitation colony based on slavery into the type of society found in many parts of the world outside Europe in the period preceding decolonization. But it is probably also a consequence of the paucity of historical publications about a country on which there is such a wealth of material available. 452 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Dr. Csabafi in his clearly and concisely written book sets out to confront the most pressing jurisdictional problems arising from the exploration and use of outer space, problems which the authors of the Outer Space Treaty of 27th January, 1967, have not attempted to solve. He has recognized that in view of the lack of sufficient knowledge of tech nological capabilities present and anticipated of the utilization of outer space and its political, economic and social implications, the time is not yet ripe for the elaboration of specific rules to govern most of the highly com plex issues in this context. Apart from the lack of sufficient knowledge and experience, the achieve ment of a consensus on rules regarding jurisdiction in outer space is further hampered by the strongly divergent interpretations of the fundamental prin ciples of the Outer Space Treaty namely the principle of freedom of outer space for exploration and use and the principle of non-appropriation of outer space. In various parts of his study Dr. Csabafi has, on the basis of a thorough study of the preparatory work of the Outer Space Treaty, ex pressed his views on the meaning of these principles. 228 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This study is an expanded and revised version of a thesis accepted for the Ph. D. Degree by the University of London in 1965. My sincere thanks go to Dr. Bertha Malnick, formerly of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, for her valuable advice, criticism, and encourage ment. Some of the material used in Chapters Three and Four has been published earlier in The Slavonic & East European Review, and I am grateful to the Editors of that journal for their kind permission to draw on it for the present purpose. Most of my research was carried out in the libraries of the British Museum and of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, and I wish to thank the many members of the staff of both these institutions who facilitated my labours. My thanks also go to the ladies of York University Secretarial Services involved in preparing the manuscript for the press. Finally, I must acknowledge the immense debt of gratitude lowe to my wife, without whose co-operation the whole project could never have materialised. The responsibility for all opinions expressed in this book and for all its shortcomings is entirely my own. Toronto, Canada December 1970 INTRODUCTION The eighteenth century for Russia marks the transition from the medieval (i. e. religious) to the modern European (i. e. 184 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -For one reason or another. modem historians have neglected the Congress of Verona. some because they thought the field already had been thoroughly plowed. while others doubted that enough material could be found for more than an article or two on the subject. Indeed. not a single book-length monograph of this international assembly has ever been published in any language. This study. therefore. attempts to fill the gap by (1) explaining the genesis of the Congress. (2) furnishing a comprehensive account of its work. (3) revising some of the interpretations of Sir Charles K. Webster. Harold W. V. Temperley. and others. and (4) analyzing the significance of the Congress. with emphasis on its contribution to the fall of the Quintuple Alliance. a consequence aided by the dissimilar and often contradictory interests of the allies themselves. This book is essentially a diplomatic history. but diplomats. of course. do not live in a vacuum. Numerous political. social. commercial. financial. and sometimes even religious factors. impinge upon their consciousness. 380 pp. Englisch.

  • S. Prakash Sinha

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9401182000ISBN 13: 9789401182003

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -I. Purpose of the inquiry.- One History of Asylum and Basis for Its Grant.- II. History of asylum.- Asylum in Sacred Places.- From Religious Sanctity to Sovereignty.- Later Developments: Political Asylum.- Later Developments: Diplomatic Asylum.- III. Basis for the grant of asylum.- A. Legal Basis.- 1. International law.- a. Territorial asylum.- b. Non-territorial asylum.- 2. National law.- B. Extra-Legal Basis.- Two Asylum from the Viewpoint of the Individual.- IV. The Individual¿s position in international law with respect to asylum.- a. The individual¿s international duties.- b. The individual¿s international rights.- c. The individual¿s right to petition before international organs.- d. The individual¿s procedural ability and amenability before international organs.- a. Views expressed recently by various governments on the nature of the right of asylum.- b. Provision of asylum in national constitutions and legislation.- c. Provision for non-extradition of political offenders in extradition treaties.- a. Surrender not in pursuance of extradition treaty.- b. Surrender in consequence of seizure on foreign territory by the officials of the state of origin.- c. Surrender in consequence of mistake.- V. Asylum as a human right.- VI. The international political refugee.- Who is an International Political Refugee .- 1. Refugees specified.- 2. Refugee defined.- Refugeehood and Statelessness.- Sources of Law Pertaining to Refugees.- a. Internal sources.- b. International sources.- Treatment of Refugees.- Admission.- Non-expulsion (non-refoulement).- Exemption from reciprocity.- Exemption from exceptional measures.- Applicable law for determining refugee¿s personal status.- Naturalization.- Administrative assistance.- Travel.- a. Documents.- b. Travel for activities other than economic.- c. Travel for economic activities.- Other rights and protection.- Determination of the Refugee Status.- Termination of the Refugee Status.- a. Repatriation.- b. Migration.- c. Assimilation.- Dependents of the Refugee.- Refugee and Extradition.- Enforcement of Rights of Refugees.- International Machinery for Protection of Refugees.- Three Asylum from the Viewpoint of States.- Sub-Part A. Territorial Asylum.- VII. Rights and duties of states granting territorial asylum.- Right of States to Grant Territorial Asylum.- Duties of States Granting Territorial Asylum.- 1. Duty to control the activities of the person to whom asylum is given.- 2. Duty with respect to extradition.- 3. Duty with respect to non-refoulement.- VIII. The political offense.- Growth of the Notion of Political Offense.- Meaning of Political Offense.- 1. Act as part of an organized political activity.- 2. Act committed with predominantly political characteristics.- 3. Act justifying non-extradition in order to avoid political persecution.- The Problem of Mixed Offenses.- 1. The principle of predominant element.- 2. The principle of the attentat clause.- 3. The principle of the unqualified attentat clause.- 4. Murder.- 5. Anarchist offenses.- 6. Acts of communists.- 7. Brutality.- 8. Quislings, traitors, or collaborationists with the enemy.- 9. War criminals.- 10. Revolutionary activities.- 11. Offenses incident to flight from country.- 12. Murder and robbery.- 13. Robbery.- 14. Assault.- 15. Bombings.- 16. Bribery.- 17. Forgery.- 18. Genocide.- 19. Religious offenses.- 20. Terrorism.- 21. The Harvard Research approach.- Sub-Part B. Non-Territorial Asylum.- IX. The forms of non-territorial asylum.- X. Diplomatic asylum.- A. The Principle of Exterritoriality of the Diplomatic Premises as a Basis for Diplomatic Asylum.- B. Diplomatic Privileges as a Basis for Diplomatic Asylum.- C. International Custom as a Basis for Diplomatic Asylum.- 1. Practice of states in Europe.- 2. Practice of the United Kingdom.- 3. Practice of the United States of America.- 4. Practice of states in Asia and Africa.- 5. Practice of states in South and Central America.- Argentina.- Bolivia.- Brazil.- Chile.- Colombia.- Costa Rica.- Cuba.- Dominican Republic.- Ecuador.- El Salvador.- Guatemala.- Haiti.- Honduras.- Mexico.- Nicaragua.- Panama.- Paraguay.- Peru.- Uruguay.- Venezuela.- D. Usage as a Basis for Diplomatic Asylum.- E. Treaty as a Basis for Diplomatic Asylum.- 1. Treaty on international penal law.- 2. Convention on asylum.- 3. Convention on political asylum.- 4. Treaty on political asylum and refuge.- 5. Convention on diplomatic asylum.- F. Regional Customary International Law as a Basis for Diplomatic Asylum.- XI. Consular asylum.- XII. Maritime asylum.- A. Asylum in Public Vessels.- B. Asylum in Private Vessels.- Four Conclusion.- XIII. Summary and conclusions. 380 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The seventeenth century was a momentous epoch. While western European countries were busy expanding westward and eastward, Russia, quietly crossed the Ural Mountains, absorbed Siberia and reached as far as Alaska. Russia did not expand toward the East with out opposition from the western European countries. In the last half of the sixteenth century, inspired by the gorgeous East, the Dutch and the English made many efforts to find a northern passage to China l to attain gold, gems, silks, pearls and spices. They attempted to reach China by land routes but were hindered by continual wars between the Kazaks and Mongol tribes, as is indicated in a letter written by an 2 English traveler, Jenkinson, in 1559. They also attempted to reach China by way of the Northern Ocean, but the Arctic weather foiled all of these efforts. The English hoped to find a way to China as well as to India by the Ob River. They knew of the Ob as early as 1555, and the next year Stephen Burrough was sent to find it. He reached the Kara Strait but ice prevented him from passing through it. In 1580 Arthur Pet and Charles Jackman left England with two ships in search of a northeast passage. Pet went through the Kara Strait. Jackman followed him in 1581, encountering much ice. Eventually Pet's expedition succeeded in returning westward again through the Kara Strait, but Jackman and his men were never heard from again. 160 pp. Englisch.

  • S. Morris Engel

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9024700418ISBN 13: 9789024700417

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware 156 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware 184 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -STEPHEN TOULMIN George Santayana used to insist that those who are ignorant of the history of thought are doomed to re-enact it. To this we can add a corollary: that those who are ignorant of the context of ideas are doom ed to misunderstand them. In a few self-contained fields such as pure mathematics, concepts and conceptual systems can perhaps be de tached from their historico-cultural situations; so that (for instance) a self-taught Ramanujan, living alone in India, mastered number theory to a point at which he could make major contributions to European mathematics. But elsewhere the situation is different - and, in philosophy, inevitably so. For philosophical ideas and problems confront us like geological specimens in situ; and, in the act of prising them free from their historical and cultural locations, we can too easily forget about the matrix in which they took shape, and end by impossing on them a sculptural form of our own making. Something of this kind has happened in the case of Ludwig Wittgen stein. For his philosophical work has commonly been seen as an episode in the development, either of mathematical logic, or of twentieth-century British philosophy. His associations with Frege and Russell, Moore and Waismann, have over-shadowed everything else in his cultural origins and intellectual concerns. 168 pp. Englisch.

  • Maurice Natanson

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9024700426ISBN 13: 9789024700424

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Fifteen years ago, Dorion Cairns concluded an article on phenome nology with a cautious appraisal of its influence in America. Thus far, he wrote, it continues to be an exotic. The situation today has changed: translations of the writings of Husserl, Heidegger, Marcel, Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty have appeared, and commentaries on these and related thinkers are not uncommon. Moreover, discussion of phenomenological problems is increasingly becoming part of the American (if not the British) philosophical scene. Phenomenology is in danger of domestication! Signs of its accommodation include a willingness to pay tribute to HusserI's Logical Investigations by those who find relatively little to interest them in his later work, a location of what are taken to be common themes and underlying convergences of emphasis in Continental phenomenology and Anglo-American philosophy of the more nearly Wittgensteinian and Austinian varieties, and a growing impatience (shared by some phenomenologists) with expositions, explications, and interpretations of Husserl's work at the expense of original applications of phenomenology. Most bluntly put, the attitude is: Don't talk about it; do it! It would seem that we have arrived at a point where introductions to phenomenology are of doubt ful value, if not superfluous. The present collection of essays is based on different assumptions and points to an alternative conception of the role of both methodology and originality in phenomenological work. 256 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This is a profile of people known as Burakumin, a japanese minority group with a history of many centuries. The Burakumin is an 'in visible race' which, unlike the Negro and other races in America, lacks stigma of color or other physical distinctions. Not invisible is it other wise, for Burakumin are unlike the majority japanese in a variety of cultural features historically derivative from discrimination and pre judice which Burakumin have long suffered. This study of Burakumin focused on the responses of two compulso ry schools to the problems of this minority group. Other research foci were integrated into this central concern of the study so as to provide a unified cultural perspective. Attention was given to such various aspects of Burakumin culture as: historical perspective, community life, struggles for emancipation, organizational activities, nature of and discrimination, attitudes and responses of non-Buraku prejudice min towards Burakumin. Education in its broadest sense is an indigenous cultural process by means of which the culture, whether literate or non-literate, can main tain its continuity; this process is widely woven into the complex fabric of man's life and his organized activities. Education in a formal sense, however, is institutionalized schooling engaged in cultural transmission and change. One of the practical advantages of studying education in an anthropological perspective is to treat it in the matrix of culture as education and culture relate to each other. The present study focused its attention upon formal education with only minor attention given to informal aspects. 120 pp. Englisch.

  • Robert William Hall

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9024700604ISBN 13: 9789024700608

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware 236 pp. Englisch.

  • Na Glicksberg

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9401746192ISBN 13: 9789401746199

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -1. Prolegomena The purpose of this book is to examine anew and from a number of different perspectives the highly complex and controversial relation between literature and society. This is not meant to be a study in sociology or political science; the analysis of literature - its structure, content, function, and effect - is our primary concern. What we shall try to find out is how the imaginative work is rooted in and grows out of the parent social body, to what extent it is influenced in subject matter as well as form and technique by the domi nant climate of ideas in a given historical period, and to what degree and in what manner literature 'influences' the society to which it is addressed. The stream of literary influence is of course difficult to trace to its putative source, for here we are not dealing, as in science, with isolated physical phenomena which can be fitted precisely within some cause-and-effect pat tern. The relationship between literature and society is far more subtle and complex than social scientists or cultural critics commonly assume. 276 pp. Englisch.

  • B. J. Boland

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9024707811ISBN 13: 9789024707812

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -With deep interest I have followed the Indonesian people's fight for freedom and independence from 1945 onwards. This interest has come to be centred in particular on the question of how religions, especially Islam, were involved in this struggle, and what role they would fulfil in the new Indonesia. After having lived and worked in Indonesia from 1946 to the end of 1960, I was twice more enabled to visit Indonesia thanks to grants from the Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research (WOTRO). It was during these sojourns in particular, from May to October 1966 and from February to July 1969, that the material for this study was collected, supplemented and checked. For the help I received during these visits I am greatly indebted to so many Indonesian informants that it is impossible to mention them all. Moreover, some of them would not appreciate being singled out by name. But while offering them these general thanks I am thinking of them all individually. In spite of all the help given and patience shown me, this publication is bound to be full of shortcomings. An older Muslim friend, however, once encouraged me by reminding me that perfection belongs only to God (al-kamäl li'lläh). Nevertheless, I should like to offer my apologies for errors and mistakes; I would appreciate it if readers drew my attention to them. 292 pp. Englisch.

  • R. A. Watson

    Published by Springer Netherlands Jan 1971, 1971

    ISBN 10: 9024701872ISBN 13: 9789024701872

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Phenomenalism, idealism, spiritualism, and other contemporary philo sophical movements originating in the reflective experience of the cogito witness to the immense influence of Descartes. However, Carte sianism as a complete metaphysical system in the image of that of the master collapsed early in the 18th century. A small school of brilliant Cartesians, almost all expert in the new mechanistic science, flashed like meteors upon the intellectual world of late 17th century France to win well-deserved recognition for Cartesianism. They were accompanied by a scintillating comet, Ma1ebranche, the deviant Cartesian, now remembered as the orthodox Cartesians are not. However, all these bright lights faded upon the philosophical horizon, almost as soon as they appeared. The metaphysical dualism of Des cartes was, as such, neither to be preserved nor reconstructed. There are many reasons why the Cartesian system did not survive the victory over Scholasticism which Descartes, Malebranche, and the others had won. Newtonian physics very soon replaced Cartesian physics. The practical interest and success of the new science which the Cartesians themselves had nurtured drew men down from the lofty realms of metaphysics. On the popular front, Cartesianism was attacked and ridiculed for the view that animals are unthinking machines. In the schools of Paris and elsewhere, there was the general but severe opposition of pedants, which is perhaps of more historical than philosophical interest. 172 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Our knowledge of the diseases of the small intestine has increased greatly since the second world war. The advances made in the auxiliary sciences, in particular biochemistry and histology, are mainly responsible and have led to their increased importance in this field. It is unfortunate that although radiology also contributed new understanding, it has not been able to match the progress of the other sciences. In spite of the advancements made in, for instance, vascular examination, radiology has experienced a relative decrease in its importance to the differential diagnosis of the diseases of the small intestine. The main reason for this is that radiology can only offer an extremely modest contribution to the differentiation between the many diseases with the malabsorption syndrome. In a number of cases, radiological differential diagnosis is in principle not possible because there are only histological and biochemical abnormalities of the mucous membrane of the small intestine without macroscopic abnormalities. There remain however many diseases with malabsorption for which a morphological examination can be highly valuable. This applies for: 1. diseases with gross anatomical abnormalities: anastomoses, fistulae, blind loops; strictures, adhesions; diverticula. 2. diseases with local, usually rather gross mucosal abnormalities: leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, lymphosarcoma; intra-mural bleeding; local edema due to venous congestion (e. g. thrombosis) or lymphatic obstruction (irradiation treatment). 3. diseases with more general mucosal abnormalities: edema due to: lymphangiectasis, allergic reactions, protein-losing enteropathy; amyloidosis, Whipple's disease, scleroderma. 160 pp. Englisch.