The School Girl's Annual, Vol. VII, c1927: Stories by Marjory Royce . E. Florence Benskin . ...

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128pp. Still strongly bound and interior good and clean. fep neatly cut out, one can detect something had been stuck to pastedown and now removed leaving very little marking. Undated but about 1927. Stories The Aeroplane and the Tulips Art and a Mangle . . Her Mother's Message . Longfellow's " Wayside Inn " the Girl Who Was Popular . No Peace ! . The Portleferry Guide . Treasure Trove . . Bedeck Your Room With Cretonne Pansy-growing for Profit Only a School Crocodile the High-spirited Hat ? the Christmas Child . On Apologizing . Binding Your Own Books Something Different . For a Competition Tea . The Proof of " the Pudding " Water-lily Creams the Diary of Diana a Pretty Raffia Bag the Immature Peacemaker Cousin Peter's Charge . Shortbread is So Easy to Make the Great Disappointment . Margaret's Treasure Hunt . Fascinating Raffia Work Daughters Are Difficult . Just the Thing for Your Party Give Your Friends a Banana Feast Spring-time in a Normandy Village a Hat-band You Can Make . Beautifying Your Bedstead . For Little Sister's Bed . Pam's Pierrette Party . A Quiet Hour at the Browns. Say It With Flowers ! . Seller Inventory # 05322b

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Bibliographic Details

Title: The School Girl's Annual, Vol. VII, c1927
Publisher: 4 Bouverie St. Fleet St., London, London, England
Publication Date: 1927
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Good

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