PHARMACOPOEIA LONDINENSIS: OR, THE LONDON DISPENSATORY Further Adorned by the Studies and Collections of the Fellows now living, of the said Colledg. Being that Book by which all Apothecaries are bound to make up all the Medicines in their Shops. In which is Printed, I. The Vertues, Qualities, and Properties of every Simple. II. The Vertues and Use of the Compounds. III. Cautions in giving all Medicines that are dangerous. IV. All the Medicines that were in the Old Latin Dspensatory, and are left out of the New Latin one, are Printed in this Impression in English, with their Vertues V.A Key to Galen's Method of Physick, containing 33 Chapters VI. The Latin name of every one of the Compounds, and in what Page of the New Folio Latin Book they


Published by Printed by Peter Cole and Edward AA Cole, Printers and Book-sellers, at the Sign of the Printing-press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange., London, 1661
Condition: ESTC R40372. Henrey, p.82-88.

From Marrins Bookshop, Folkestone, KENT, United Kingdom

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