PERAMBULATIONS IN LONDON, AND ITS ENVIRONS; Comprehending an Historical Sketch of the Ancient State...

PERAMBULATIONS IN LONDON, AND ITS ENVIRONS; Comprehending an Historical Sketch of the Ancient State, and Progress, of the British Metropolis, a Concise Description of its Present State, Notices of Eminent Persons, and a Short Account of the Surrounding Villages. In Letters. Designed for Young Persons

Wakefield, Priscilla

Published by Darton and Harvey, 1809
Used Hardcover

From GfB, the Colchester Bookshop, Colchester, United Kingdom Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

AbeBooks Seller since 02 January 2003

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Darton and Harvey, 1809. Hardback, 8vo, xv,503pp, hand-coloured folding plan, 4 plates, [2]pp publisher advert. Ex-library, stamp to verso of title, gift message (1813), light foxing throughout. Green library cloth, trimmed, red speckled edged. A fair copy. /0.5uk. Seller Inventory # 372521

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Bibliographic Details

Publisher: Darton and Harvey
Publication Date: 1809
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Fair
Dust Jacket Condition: No jacket

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