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Samen met Brief over den Eeuwigduurenden Liefdes almanak, over den Sleutel op den zelven, en over de Gedagten over dien Sleutel, a.p, z.j. 8º: A-H 8 (-A1, H8 chi1), gepag.: 129 [1] pp.; de gegraveerde titelpagina toont Venus bij haar geboorte uit het schuim van de zee, op de typografische titelpagina een vignet met de zinspreuk Virtus nun quam moritur, dan 12 emblematische voorstellingen, voor elke maand één, die steeds vergezeld gaan van dezelfde gravure met de vier schijngestalten van het hart (eerste kwartier der liefde, volle liefde, etc.), vier emblematische voorstellingen van de seizoenen, en tenslotte een vignet dat Cupido toont als marskramer op de kermis. Ad 2: * 4 (*4 blanco), gepag.: 6 pp.; ad 3: [A] 4, gepag.: 8 pp.; ad 4: * 4, gepag.: 8 pp. Contemporain half perkament, ontbrekende gegraveerde titelpagina in fotokopie bijgevoegd, verder goed exemplaar. Van Doorninck I, kol.486; Landwehr 797 Nesselaar, 'Een Leidse student op vrijersvoeten', in: MedJCW 19 (1996); Ned. Patriciaat 3 (1912) p.395 Exemplaar van de Liefdesalmanak, waarin naast de Sleutel nog twee andere pamfletten zijn bijgebonden: Gedagten, ondertekend door T.T., en een Brief, ondertekend met Y.Z. De schrijver van dit laatste pamflet richt zich zowel tot de auteur van de Liefdes almanak, als tot die van de Sleutel en de Gedagten. L4311 It was only until the end of the eighteenth century that the ideals of Enlightment became generally accepted. Almanacs changed as a result, the astrological predictions made way in favor of other features. Increasingly the compilers of these almanacs replaced the weather forecasts and similar incongruity, in the words of Amsterdam based publisher Theodorus Crajenschot soortgelyke ongerymtheden , by something more meaningful iets wezenlyks . For him that was een korte Schets van De kragt der liefde , a short text about the power of love, written in his Nuttige en aangename staatsalmanach from 1787. Ever since, love has been a rich source of inspiration for the makers of almanacs. Many flirts have been celebrated, first mainly in short verses which accompanied the calendars and later royally in long poems. In nineteenth century almanacs one can speak of a real romantic story -boom. Most of them illustrated with beautiful idyllic prints. But there is only one that is way out in front: the Eeuwigduurende liefdes almanak from 1721. The Eeuwigduurende liefdes almanak is one of the first alamancs that is playfully aimed by the writer and publisher who called himself by the antique name Philomúsus Philokaus, admirer of muse and beauty, and thus puts himself in the mythological tradition. This cheeky man placed elements from traditional calendars in amatory/amorous context, like the twelve months of the year of love de twaelf maenden van t jaer der liefde . Visit is the first month, Hope the fifth, the eight month is called Connection, Regret the eleventh which is followed by Indifference. Also other elements of life and cycles from the year of love are described in the same style as noted above. Back to the frolic author of this richly illustrated work, who hid his real identity behind the pseudonyms Philomúsus Philokaus and Philander Mirtillo from Cyprus (which is known as the place where the Roman goddess Venus first touched land after she was born on open sea). Revealing the person behind the almanac became an obsession short after its publication in 1721. Contemporaries tried to light the veil of mystery by spreading pamphlets. This quest ended at the student Albertus van Twist, who aimed to immortalize his impossible love for Johanna Susanna Alensoon. Van Twist, born in Hulst in 1696, registered as a law student in Leiden in 1718. If the pamphlets are right, he paid more interest about lessons of love than the actual law classes. These pamphlets are written by fellow students and other witnesses of Van Twists flirts. The Eeuwigduurende liefdes almanak is thus a key almanac, there are real people behind the fictive names. Seller Inventory # 18461
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