Library of American History: A Reprint of Standard Works: Connected by Editorial Remarks, abounding... Library of American History: A Reprint of Standard Works: Connected by Editorial Remarks, abounding... Library of American History: A Reprint of Standard Works: Connected by Editorial Remarks, abounding... Library of American History: A Reprint of Standard Works: Connected by Editorial Remarks, abounding...

Library of American History: A Reprint of Standard Works: Connected by Editorial Remarks, abounding with copious notes, biographical sketches, and miscellaneous matter, intending to give the reader a full view of American History, from the earliest discovery to the present time [Vol. I & II, bound in one volume]

Edited by Samuel L. [Lorenzo] Knapp. Jeremy Belknap, William Robertson, James Grahame, David Ramsay

Published by J. C. Riker, 1839
Used Hardcover

From Boyd Used & Rare Books, Portland, OR, U.S.A. Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

AbeBooks Seller since 18 February 2013

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Two volumes in one. Stated Second Editions. Bound in half brown leather with buff paper sides. Leather is very worn and boards show general soiling. Inner hinges are fully intact. Some hand-written annotations. 430 [&] 277 pages. 11.4 x 9 inches. Compiled and edited by Samuel Lorenzo Knapp (1783-1838), author, lawyer, Massachusetts legislator, magazine editor, and a regimental commander of coast defenses during the War of 1812. Includes, along with Knapp's connecting notes, Jeremy Belknap's Biographies of the Early Discoverers, William Robertson's History of South America, James Grahame's History of North America, and David Ramsay's History of the United States. Seller Inventory # 014153

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Bibliographic Details

Title: Library of American History: A Reprint of ...
Publisher: J. C. Riker
Publication Date: 1839
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Fair

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