Incisione a bulino settecentesca San Gaetano Tiene

Domenico Cunego, incisore

Published by , Pirri inventò - Cunego incise settacentesca
Used Hardcover

From Studio bibliografico De Carlo, Carmagnola, TO, Italy Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

AbeBooks Seller since 19 November 2012

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Incisione a bulinoSan Gaetano Tiene Mihi autem adhaerere Deo bonum est,ponere in Domino Deo spem meam Pirri dipinse e Domenico Cunego Inciseepoca settecentescaIn buono stato, bordi con lievi usure e fioriture.undefined (550 x 405), formato foglio, battuta in mm. 350x275ar 24. Seller Inventory # bc_31614

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Bibliographic Details

Title: Incisione a bulino settecentesca San Gaetano...
Publisher: , Pirri inventò - Cunego incise settacentesca
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Buono (Good)
Book Type: Book

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