Ilya Erenburg. 10 L.S. Khronika nashego vremeni
Ilya Erenburg
From ISIA Media Verlag UG | Bukinist, Leipzig, Germany
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 04 May 2021
From ISIA Media Verlag UG | Bukinist, Leipzig, Germany
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 04 May 2021
About this Item
V period Velikoj depressii Ilya Erenburg sozdal seriyu romanov i ocherkov pod obshchim nazvaniem 'Khronika nashikh dnej' 'Edinyj front', '10 l.s.', 'Fabrika snov' i dr., v kotorykh v khudozhestvennoj forme opisal mekhanizmy, dvizhushchie kapitalisticheskim proizvodstvom. Ilya Grigorevich Erenburg 1891Nr.1967 Nr. pisatel, poet, publitsist, zhurnalist, voennyj korrespondent, perevodchik s frantsuzskogo i ispanskogo yazykov, obshchestvennyj deyatel, fotograf. V 1908Nr.1917 i 1921Nr.1940 godakh zhil v emigratsii. V 1940 g. vernulsya v SSSR. Seller Inventory # 302675
Bibliographic Details
Title: Ilya Erenburg. 10 L.S. Khronika nashego ...
Publisher: Berlin: Petropolis, 1929
Binding: Softcover/Paperback
Condition: Good
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