From That Guy With The Books, Kitchener, ON, Canada Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 21 May 2021
A late 16th century edition of the Collected Sermons of the Portuguese historian and bishop Jeronimo Osorio, printed between 1594 - and 1597. These are the first three volumes of four. There are scattered annotations throughout. While volumes two and three have been bound in vellum, the first volume appears to be something akin to a remboitage binding, with the original pigskin cover reused for the spine. Underneath the exposed binding of volume three are two manuscript fragments of binders waste, one from a musical manuscript, and another from an unidentified text, both 15th century or earlier in age. Taking a closer look at volume two, you can see similar fragments hidden behind the binding. Three volumes in octavo (Two vellum bound, one in a remboitage binding), (14)+797+(67), (14)+905+(77), (9)+1056+(36) pages These volumes are in fair shape, with heavy rubbing and wear to the bindings, and the hinges to volume two cracked. The binding of volume three is detached from the text block at the front, flapping open to reveal fragment of manuscript to the spine. There is light worming, with minor letter loss. There is foxing and staining throughout, though considerably lighter to volume one. Seller Inventory # ABE-1668123870903
Title: Concionum Ioannis Osorii Societatis Iesu, ...
Publisher: Antverpiae, Apud Ioannem Keerbergium
Publication Date: 1594
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Fair
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