As this fourth installment of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series unfolds, time is running out as war between the Olympians and the evil Titan lord Kronos draws near. Camp Half-Blood grows more vulnerable as Kronos's army prepares to invade. To stop them, Percy and his demigod friends set out on a quest through the Labyrinth.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
I can't think of a child of 10-plus who could fail to enjoy Percy's adventures . . . the fusion of the magical with the mundane and modern gives the series its edge (Amanda Craig The Times )
Funny and fast-paced . . . Percy is a hero that every kid will want to emulate (Sunday Express )
Funny . . . very exciting . . . but it's the storytelling that will get readers hooked. After all, this is the stuff of legends (Guardian )
Vastly entertaining (Independent )
Cool, mad and very funny! (Flipside )
Rick Riordan is an award-winning mystery writer. For the past fifteen years he has taught at middle schools in the San Francisco Bay area and in Texas. Rick lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife and two sons. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Rick's first novel featuring the heroic young demi-god, was the overall winner of the Red House Children's Book Award in 2006.
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
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Hardcover. Condition: new. Hardcover. As this fourth installment of the Percy Jackson the Olympians series unfolds, time is running out as war between the Olympians and the evil Titan lord Kronos draws near. Camp Half-Blood grows more vulnerable as Kronos's army prepares to invade. To stop them, Percy and his demigod friends set out on a quest through the Labyrinth. As this fourth installment of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series unfolds, time is running out as war between the Olympians and the evil Titan lord Kronos draws near. Camp Half-Blood grows more vulnerable as Kronos's army prepares to invade. To stop them, Percy and his demigod friends set out on a quest through the Labyrinth. Shipping may be from our UK warehouse or from our Australian or US warehouses, depending on stock availability. Seller Inventory # 9781410410184
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