Items related to American Spirit: v. 2 (The American Spirit)

American Spirit: v. 2 (The American Spirit) - Softcover

9780669343625: American Spirit: v. 2 (The American Spirit)


This detailed primary source reader focuses on political, diplomatic, and social history, presenting documents that include travel literature, religious sermons, newspaper articles, court testimony, and diary entries. An ideal companion to THE AMERICAN PAGEANT, this reader can be used with any U.S. history survey text.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.


1: NEW WORLD BEGINNINGS, 33,000 B.C.-A.D. 1769. A. The Native Americans: Visualizing the New World (1506-1510). Juan Gines de Sepulveda Belittles the Indians (1547). Bartoleme de Las Casas Defends the Indians (1552). Hernando de Soto Encounters t he Indians of the Southeast (1539-1542). B. The Spanish in America: Hernan Cortes Conquers Mexico (1519-1526). Aztec Chroniclers Describe the Spanish Conquest of Mexico (1519). Francisco Coronado Explores the American Southwest (1541). Don Juan de Onate Conquers New Mexico (1599). C. The African Slave Trade: The Conscience of a Slave Trader (1694). Mungo Park Describes Slavers in the African Interior (c. 1790). A Slave is Taken to Barbados (c. 1750). D. New Worlds for the Taking: John Cabot Voyages for England (1497). Richard Hakluyt Calls for an Empire (1582). An English Landlord Describes a Troubled England (1623). Hakluyt Sees England's Salvation in America (1584). 2: THE PLANTING OF ENGLISH AMERICA, 1500-1733: A. England on the Eve of Empire: A Commission Investigates Enclosures (1517). Thomas More Deplores the All-Consuming Sheep (1516). Midland Peasants Revolt (1607-1608). The Puritans Set Sail (1629). B. Precarious Beginnings in Virginia: The Starving Time (1609). Governor William Berkeley Reports (1671). C. The Mix of Cultures in English America. The Great Indian Uprising (1622). A West Indian Planter Reflects on Slavery in Barbados (1673). A Missionary Denounces the Treatment of the Indians in South Carolina (1708). 3. SETTLING THE NORTHERN COLONIES, 1619-1700. A. The Planting of Plymouth: The Pilgrims Leave Holland (1620). Framing the Mayflower Compact (1620). Abandoning Communism at Plymouth (1623). B. Conformity in the Bay Colony: John Cotton Describes New England's "Theocracy" (1636). Anne Hutchinson Is Banished (1637). John Winthrop's Concept of Liberty (1645). Puritan Mistreatment of Quakers (1660). C. The Rule of Biblical Law: The Blue Laws of Connecticut (1672). A Defense of Buying Indian Land (1722). D. Indian-White Relations in Colonial New England: Three Views of King Philip's War: Mary Rowlandson Is Captured by Indians (1675). Plymouth Officials Justify the War (1675). A Rhode Island Quaker Sympathizes with the Indians (1675). E. The Polyglot Middle Colonies: Dutch Travelers View New York (1679). Early Settlers in Pennsylvania (1682). 4. AMERICAN LIFE IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, 1607-1692. A. Indentured Servants in the Chesapeake Region: A Contract for Indentured Service (1635). A Londoner Agrees to Provide a Servant (1654). A Servant Describes His Fate (c. 1680). A Servant Girl Pays the Wages of Sin (1656). An Unruly Servant is Punished (1679). B. Bacon's Rebellion and Its Aftermath: Nathaniel Bacon Proclaims His Principles (1676). The Governor Upholds the Law (1676). Slavery is Justified (1757). C. Slavery in the Colonial Era: A Young African Boy is Taken into Slavery (c. 1735). A Jesuit Priest Instructs on the Treatment of Slaves (1711). A Minister Describes Plantation Labor in Jamaica (1823). An Englishman Reflects on the Prospect of Insurrection in the Caribbean (1657). The Stono River Rebellion in South Carolina (1739). D. Life Among New England's Puritans: Cotton Mather on the Education of His Children (1706). The Salem Witchcraft Hysteria (1692). 5. COLONIAL SOCIETY ON THE EVE OF REVOLUTION, 1700-1775. A. The Colonial Melting Pot: An Anglican Bishop Explains the Ulster Scots Migration (1728). Benjamin Franklin Analyzes the Population (1751). Gottlieb Mittelberger Voyages to Pennsylvania (c. 1750). Michel-Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur Discovers a New Man (c. 1770). The Growth of the Colonial Population (1740-1780). B. The Great Awakening: George Whitefield Fascinates Franklin (1739). Jonathan Edwards Paints the Horrors of Hell (1741). C. The Colonial Economy: Colonial Trade and the British Empire (1701-1770). British Colonial Exports (1768-1772). A Traveler Views the Mistakes of New England Farmers (1775). D. The Shoots of Democracy: The Epochal Zenger Trial (1735). Crevecoeur Finds a Perfect Society (c. 1770). 6. THE DUEL FOR NORTH AMERICA, 1608-1763. A. The Development of New France: Father Isaac Jogues Endures Tortures (1642). A Swede Depicts the Indian Trade (1749). B. The French and Indian War: Benjamin Franklin Characterizes General Edward Braddock (1755). A Frenchman Reports Braddock's Defeat (1755). Francis Parkman Analyzes the Conflict (1884). C. Pontiac's Rebellion and Its Aftermath: Sir William Johnson Describes the Indians' Grievances (1763). Pontiac Rallies His Warriors (1763). The Proclamation of 1763. Johnson Sketches a Possible Peace (1764). D. A New Restlessness: William Burke Makes a Fateful Prediction (1760). Benjamin Franklin Dismisses Burke's Fears (1760). Andrew Burnaby Scoffs at Colonial Unity (1760). A Lawyer Denounces Search Warrants (1761). 7. THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION, 1763-1775. A. The Burden of Mercantilism: Virginia Resents Restrictions (1671). Adam Smith's Balance Sheet (1776). B. The Tempest over Taxation: Benjamin Franklin Testifies Against the Stamp Act (1766). Philadelphia Threatens Tea Men (1773). Connecticut Decries the Boston Port Act (1774). C. Britain at the Crossroads: Edmund Burke Urges Conciliation (1775). Adam Smith Criticizes Empire (1776). Samuel Johnson Urges the Iron Fist (1775). Two Views of the British Empire (1767, 1775). D. Loyalists Versus Patriots: Daniel Leonard Deplores Rebellion (1775). Patrick Henry Demands Boldness (1775). New Yorkers Abuse Tories (1775). E. The Clash of Arms: Conflicting Versions of the Outbreak (1775). Pennsylvania Prepares for War (1775). Why an Old Soldier Fought (1898). 8. AMERICA SECEDES FROM THE EMPIRE, 1775-1783. A. General Washington in Command: Washington Scorns Independence (1775). The Unreliable Militia (1776). Washington Retreats from New York (1776). William Barton Describes Frontier Warfare (1779). Cornwallis Surrenders (1781). B. The Formal Break with Britain: Thomas Paine Talks Common Sense (1776). Richard Henry Lee's Resolution of Independence (1776). Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence (1776). The Abortive Slave Trade Indictment (1776). C. Voices of Dissent: Lord Chatham Assails the War (1777). Tories Fear French Catholics (1779). D. African-Americans in the Revolutionary War: Dunmore Promises to Free the Slaves (1775). John Page Appeals to Slaves (1775). An American Officer Reports on Gwynne's Island (1776). A Hessian Describes Army "Baggage" (1781). Boston King Recalls His Service (1798). Jehu Grant Petitions for a Pension (1836). E. A Civil War Within a Civil War: Vengeance on the Tories (1779). The Hanging of a Loyalist (c. 1778). F. Revolutionary Diplomacy: John Adams Contemplates a Model Treaty (1776). Silas Deane Works to Convince France (1776). Segur Recalls the Arrival of Franklin and the Departure of Lafayette (1824). 9. THE CONFEDERATION AND THE CONSTITUTION, 1776-1790. A. The Shock of Shays's Rebellion: Daniel Gray Explains the Shaysites' Grievances (1786). George Washington Expresses Alarm (1786). Thomas Jefferson Favors Rebellion (1787). B. Clashes in the Philadelphia Convention: The Debate on Representation in Congress (1787). The Argument over Slave Importations (1787). C. First Reactions to the Constitution: A Philadelphia Editor Is Expectant (1787). Alexander Hamilton Scans the Future (1787). George Mason Is Critical (1787). Jefferson Is Unenthusiastic (1787). D. The Ratification Debate in Massachusetts: A Delegate Fears for the Little People (1788). A Storekeeper Blasts Standing Armies (1788). A Farmer Favors the Constitution (1788). E. The Ratification Debate in New York: An Anti-Federalist Demands Deliberation (1787). James Madison Defends the New Constitution (1787). F. Two Revolutions: Sieyes Champions the Third Estate (1789). The French Declare the Rights of Man (1789). Malouet Compares America to France (1789). Lafayette Writes to Washington (1790). The "September Massacres" (1792). Jefferson Reflects on the Path of Revolutions (1823). 10. LAUNCHING THE NEW SHIP OF STATE, 1789-1800. A. Conflict in the Infant Republic: The Senate Snubs George Washington (1789). Alexander Hamilton Versus Thomas Jefferson on Popular Rule (1780s-1820s). The Clash over States' Rights (1780s-1820s). The Spectrum of Disagreement (1780s-1820s). B. State Debts and the National Bank: Jefferson Duped (?) by Hamilton (1790). Hamilton Defends Assumption (1792). Jefferson Versus Hamilton on the Bank (1791). C. Overawing the Whiskey Boys: Hamilton Upholds Law Enforcement (1794). Jefferson Deplores Undue Force (1794). D. The Birth of a Neutrality Policy: The French Revolution: Conflicting Views (1790s). A Jeffersonian Condemns Neutrality (1793). E. The Controversial Jay Treaty: Virginians Oppose John Jay's Appointment (1794). Hamilton Attacks Jay's Attackers (1795). F. The Retirement of Washington: A President Bids Farewell (1796). Editor Benjamin Franklin Bache Berates Washington (1797). G. The Alien and Sedition Hysteria: Timothy Pickering Upholds the Repressive Laws (1798). The Virginia Legislature Protests (1798). Rhode Island Rebuffs Virginia's Plea (1799). 11. THE TRIUMPHS AND TRAVAILS OF JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLIC, 1800-1812. A. The Three-Fifths Clause Gives Jefferson a Dubious Victory: A Federalist Cries Foul (1800). The Centinal Declares Adams the Victor (1800). The Connecticut Courant Rejects Jefferson as a Man "of the People" (1801). B. John Marshall and the Supreme Court: Marshall Sanctions the Bank (1819). A Maryland Editor Dissents (1819). Marshall Asserts the Supremacy of the Constitution (1803). C. The Louisiana Purchase: Napoleon Decides to Dispose of Louisiana (1803). Thomas Jefferson Alerts Robert Livingston (1802). Jefferson Stretches the Constitution to Buy Louisiana (1803). Representative Roger Griswold Is Unhappy (1803). Senator John Breckinridge Supports the Purchase (1803). Lewis and Clark Meet a Grizzly (1805). A Spanish Official Warns of American Expansion (1804). Louisiana Keeps Its Civil Law (1808). D. The Issue of Sailors' Rights: A Briton (James Stephen) Recommends Firmness (1805). A Briton (Basil Hall) Urges Discretion (1804). E. The Resort to Economic Coercion: A Federalist (Philip Barton Key) Attacks the Embargo (1808). A Jeffersonian (W. B. Giles) Upholds the Embargo (1808). 12. THE SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE AND THE UPSURGE OF NATIONALISM, 1812-1824. A. The Cauldron of War: Tecumseh Challenges William Henry Harrison (1810). Representative Felix Grundy Demands War (1811). Causes of the War (1812, 1813). President James Madison's Fateful War Message (1812). Federalist Congressmen Protest (1812). The London Times Bemoans Peace (1814). B. Disloyalty in New England: A Boston Paper Obstructs the War (1813). The Hartford Convention Fulminates (1814). John Quincy Adams Reproaches the Hartfordites (1815). C. The Missouri Statehood Controversy: Representative John Taylor Reviles Slavery (1819). Representative Charles Pinckney Upholds Slavery (1820). A Connecticut Antislavery Outcry (1820). D. Launching the Monroe Doctrine: Henry Clay Champions the Latin American Revolutions (1818). John Quincy Adams Is Skeptical (1821). Thomas Jefferson Turns Pro-British (1823). John Quincy Adams Rejects a Joint Declaration (1823). James Monroe Warns the European Powers (1823). Prince Metternich Is Miffed (1824). A Columbian Newspaper Applauds Monroe's Doctrine (1824). A Columbian Minister Requests Firmer Commitments (1824). 13. THE RISE OF A MASS DEMOCRACY, 1824-1840. A. Background of the New Democracy: A Disgusting Spirit of Equality (1807). A Plea for Nonproperty Suffrage (1841). Davy Crockett Advises Politicians (1836). America Inspires a British Reformer (1820). America Appalls a British Observer (1832). B. The New Spirit of Enterprise in Jacksonian America: Justice Joseph Story Defends the Rights of Contract (1837). Chief Justice Roger B. Taney Supports "Creative Destruction" (1837). C. The Debate on Internal Improvements: Jackson Vetoes the Maysville Road Bill (1830). Clay Protests (1830). D. The Nullification Crisis: Senator Robert Hayne Advocates Nullification (1830). Daniel Webster Pleads for the Union (1830). South Carolina Threatens Secession (1832). Andrew Jackson Denounces Nullification (1832). Jackson Fumes in Private (1832). E. The War on the Bank: Jackson Vetoes the Bank Recharter (1832). A Boston Journal Attacks Jackson (1832). Cartooning the Banking Crisis (1833, 1837). F. Transplanting the Tribes: Jackson Endorses the Indian Removal (1829). Theodore Frelinghuysen Champions Justice (1830). John Ross Protests Removal (1836). G. The Emergence of Mass Political Parties: James Fenimore Cooper Castigates Parties (1838). Alexis de Tocqueville Defends Parties (1830s). 14. FORGING THE NATIONAL ECONOMY, 1790-1860. A. The Spread of the Factory: Wage Slavery in New England (1832). The Abuse of Female Workers (1836). A Factory Girl Describes Her Treatment (1844). "Slavers" for New England Girls (1846). Disaster in a Massachusetts Mill (1860). B. The Flocking of the Immigrants: An English Radical Praises America (1818). The Coming of the Irish (1836). The Burning of a Convent School (1834). A Southerner Defends the Catholics (1854). C. Mounting Labor Unrest: A One-Sided Labor Contract (c. 1832). Agitation for the Ten-Hour Day (1835). The Tailor's Strike in New York (1836). Chattel Slavery Versus Wage Slavery (1840). Regulations at the Lowell Mills (1830s). D. The Transportation Revolution: The First "Fire Canoe" in the West (1811). The Impact of the Erie Canal (1853). Railroads Link East and West (1849). E. America and the World Economy: Joseph Whitworth Praises American Manufacturing (1853). United States Balance of Trade (1820-1860). Composition of United States Exports (1820-1850). Destination of United States Exports (1819-1858). Origin of United States Imports (1821-1858). 15. THE FERMENT OF REFORM AND CULTURE, 1790-1860. A. Religious Ferment: A Catholic Views Camp Meetings (c. 1801). An Englishwoman Attends a Revival (1832). Joseph Smith Has a Vision (1820). B. Social and Humanitarian Reformers: William Ellery Channing Preaches Reformism (c. 1831). Dorothea Dix Succors the Insane (1843). T.S. Arthur's Ten Nights in a Barroom (1854). C. The Changing Role of Women: The Seneca Falls Manifesto (1848). New Yorkers Ridicule Feminists (1856). Lucy Stone Protests Traditional Marriage (1855). Orestes Brownson Explores the Woman Question (1869). The Beecher Sisters Defend the Home (1869). D. Transcendentalism and Earthly Utopias: Ralph Waldo Emerson Chides the Reformers (1844). The "Paradise" at Brook Farm (c. 1846). Henry David Thoreau Praises Spiritual Wealth (1854). Emersonisms and Thoreauisms. E. Three Views of the Indians: Alexis de Tocqueville Predicts the Indians' Future (1835). George Catlin Dreams of a National Park to Preserve the Indian Way of Life (1832). John James Audubon Is Pessimistic About the Indians' Fate (1843). 16. THE SOUTH AND THE SLAVERY CONTROVERSY, 1793-1860. A. The Face of Slavery: A Slave Boy Learns a Lesson (c. 1827). A Former Slave Exposes Slavery (1850). Human Cattle for Sale (c. 1850). Cohabitation in the Cabins (c. 1834). From Slavery to Freedom (1835). A Slave Woman's Tale (1930s). The Sundering of Families (1874). B. The White Southern View of Slavery: Haiti Declares Independence (1804). Albert Gallatin Warns of a Slave Revolt (1799). The "Blessings" of the Slave (1849). Comparing Slave Labor and Wage Labor (1850). William A. Smith Expounds on the Benefits of Slavery (1856). George Fitzhugh Defends Wage Slavery (1857). C. The Abolitionist Crusade: William Lloyd Garrison Launches The Liberator (1831). Manifesto of the Anti-Slavery Society (1833). British Abolitionists Protest Colonization (1833). Theodore Dwight Weld Pillories Slavery (1839). Slavery and the Family (1840). D. Judgments on the Abolitionists: Daniel Webster Is Critical (1850). Abraham Lincoln Appraises Abolitionism (1854). The Abolitionists Provoke War (1882). E. The Rising White Southern Temper: Hinton Helper's Banned Bo...

About the Author

Thomas A. Bailey (1903-1983) taught history at his alma mater, Stanford University, for nearly forty years. Long regarded as one of the nation's premier historians of American diplomacy, he was honored by his colleagues in 1968 with election to the presidencies of both the Organization of American Historians and the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. He was the author, editor, or co-editor of some twenty-books, but the work in which he took the most pride was The American Pageant through which, he liked to say, he had taught American history to several million students.

David M. Kennedy received his Ph.D. from Yale University. He is the Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History Emeritus and co-director of The Bill Lane Center for the Study of the North American West at Stanford University. His first book, BIRTH CONTROL IN AMERICA: THE CAREER OF MARGARET SANGER, was honored with both the Bancroft Prize and the John Gilmary Shea Prize. He has won numerous teaching awards at Stanford, where he teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in American political, diplomatic, intellectual, and social history, and in American literature. Dr. Kennedy published a volume in the OXFORD HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, FREEDOM FROM FEAR: THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN DEPRESSION AND WAR, 1929―1945, for which he was honored with the 2000 Pulitzer Prize. He is an elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the American Philosophical Society, and he served from 2002―2011 on the board of the Pulitzer Prizes.

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  • PublisherD C Heath& Co
  • Publication date1993
  • ISBN 10 0669343625
  • ISBN 13 9780669343625
  • BindingPaperback
  • Number of pages675

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Bailey, Thomas,Kennedy, David M.
Published by Cengage Learning, 1993
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Bailey, Thomas
Published by Cengage Learning, 1993
ISBN 10: 0669343625 ISBN 13: 9780669343625
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Thomas Bailey,David M. Kennedy
Published by Cengage Learning January 1993, 1993
ISBN 10: 0669343625 ISBN 13: 9780669343625
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Bailey, Thomas; Kennedy, David M.
Published by Cengage Learning, 1993
ISBN 10: 0669343625 ISBN 13: 9780669343625
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Bailey, Thomas A. & David M. Kennedy; Kennedy, David M.
Published by Houghton Mifflin, 1994
ISBN 10: 0669343625 ISBN 13: 9780669343625
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Bailey, Thomas Andrew;Kennedy, David M.
Published by D C Heath & Co, 1993
ISBN 10: 0669343625 ISBN 13: 9780669343625
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Bailey, Thomas, Kennedy, David M.
Published by Cengage Learning, 1993
ISBN 10: 0669343625 ISBN 13: 9780669343625
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