The Scots Magazine, and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany; Being A General Repository of Literatre, ... The Scots Magazine, and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany; Being A General Repository of Literatre, ... The Scots Magazine, and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany; Being A General Repository of Literatre, ... The Scots Magazine, and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany; Being A General Repository of Literatre, ...

The Scots Magazine, and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany; Being A General Repository of Literatre, History, and Politics, for 1810. Vol LXXII.

Archibald Constable (publ).

Published by Archibald Constable and Co, Edinburgh, 1810
Used Half-Leather

From Neil Summersgill Ltd ABA,PBFA,ILAB., Blackburn, United Kingdom Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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Thick octavo; 971pp. Original blue paper wraps bound in at rear. Contemporary half green leather, rubbed and sl worn, boards are attached. G-VG. The Scots Magazine ran in this format until 1826 and individual volumes are not common. Set up to rival the Gentleman?s Magazine, it was superior in many ways, especially with regard to historical detail. A wealth of information for the year, including much on historical affairs in America : Jackson quits in America, Peninsular War, Cochrane at Guadaloupe, Bonaparte, American congress, president's message, repudiation of the Empress Josephine, Persian ambassador, capture & destruction of French frigates, capture of the Isle of Bourbon, dreadful accident at Liverpool, British interests in India, marriage of Bonaparte, anexation of Holland, capture of Guadeloupe & the Dutch islands, elegy on the death of Admiral Collingwood & announcement of death, campaigbn in Portugal under Wellington,poems on the abolition of the slave trade, formation of a railway in scotland, kidnapping of children, British prisoners in France, Mungo Park, ode to Sir John Moore, and much much more. Plates : Fleurs House, Kelso, Dunfermline, Graigcrook Castle, Roman Antiquities, St Giles Church, Edinburgh Parliament House, Parliament Square Edinburgh, folding military plan of Cadiz, Appin House, Inch-Colm Monastery, Red Castle. Seller Inventory # 026599

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Bibliographic Details

Title: The Scots Magazine, and Edinburgh Literary ...
Publisher: Archibald Constable and Co, Edinburgh
Publication Date: 1810
Binding: Half-Leather
Condition: G-vg
Edition: 1st Edition

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