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First Edition, First Printing. First edition in Gaelic, A very good copy with some neat underlining and notes, mostly unmarked, In original green cloth gilt title to the front panel and spine. A Rare anthology of translation containing Miceal Breatnac M.A. translation of A.M Burrage, 'The Waxwork', Padraic Og O Conaire translation of Frank O'Connor, 'The Sisters'. Padraic O Domnallain translation of William Gilmore Sims, 'Murder Will Out', Sean Mac Giollarnat translation of H.G. Wells, 'The Country of the Blind', Padraic O Mograin M.A. translation of O. Henry 'The Gift of the Magi', Tomas O Ragaillig translation of Anton Tchehov 'The Bet', Sean O Ruadain translation of Lynn Doyle 'Dear Ducks', Mairtin O Cadain translation of Lynn Doyle 'A short suit', An Tatair O Beirn translation of Lynn Doyle 'A bit of land', and a piece in Irish by Padraic O Conaire . Seller Inventory # 014187

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Bibliographic Details

Publisher: Oifig Diolta Foillseachain Rialtais, Baile Atha Cliath, (Dublin)
Publication Date: 1937
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Very Good +
Edition: 1st Edition

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