Hardback. Condition: As New. Dust Jacket Condition: As New. Book Club Edition. no price on dw flap states first american edition. Book.
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No Binding. Condition: Very Good. 1st Edition.
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hardcover. Condition: Very Good. First Edition. Used - Very Good.
Encuadernación de tapa dura. Condition: Muy bien. 1ª Edición. Traducción de Lourdes Porta.
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Published by Tusquets Editores, S.A., Barcelona, Spain, 2008
Seller: West Portal Books, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
First Edition
Trade Paperback. Condition: VG-NF. First Thus. Book appears near sharp and virtually unread with scant wear at edges and extremities. Text entirely in Spanish. 248 pages.
Hardcover. Condition: Very Good. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. First American Edition. No markings. First American edition.
Published by Tusquets, 2008
Language: Spanish
Seller: Llibres Capra, Barcelona, Spain
First Edition
Encuadernación de tapa blanda. Condition: Bien. 1ª Edición. 248 pg.
Published by Toronto: Bond Street Books/Doubleday Canada, 2007
Seller: Michael Laurence Fine Books, Whitby, ON, Canada
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Near Fine. 1st Edition. First printing. Vertical crease to the rear flap.
Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Near Fine. 1st Edition. First edition first impression in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean,binding firm, jacket in removable protective sleeve, please see pics, paypal accepted, any questions please get in touch.
Published by Knopf, 2007, 2007
Seller: Reed's Rare Books, Palm Springs, CA, U.S.A.
First Edition
1st edition, first printing Fine/fine.
Published by New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007. dj, 2007
ISBN 10: 0307265838 ISBN 13: 9780307265838
Language: English
Seller: Bookfever, IOBA (Volk & Iiams), Ione, CA, U.S.A.
First Edition
Hardcover first edition - First US printing. A novel by this award-winning author, set in Tokyo during the hours from midnight to dawn, and focusing on two sisters haunted by secrets. Translated from the Japanese by Jay Rubin. 191 pp. Very near fine in a like dustjacket.
Published by Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, 2008
ISBN 10: 8483831015 ISBN 13: 9788483831014
Language: Spanish
Seller: Il Tuffatore, Alcorcón, Spain
First Edition
Encuadernación de tapa blanda. Condition: Muy bien. 1ª Edición. Tusquets, Colección Andanzas, Barcelona, 2008. 1ª edición. 8ºM, 21x14cm, 256p. Rústica ilustrada con solapas, muy buen estado, ligeras señales de uso. "Cerca ya de medianoche, en esas horas en que todo se vuelve dolorosamente nítido o angustiosamente desdibujado, Mari, sentada sola a la mesa de un bar-restaurante, se toma un café mientras lee. La interrumpe un joven músico, Takahashi, al que Mari ha visto una única vez, en una cita de su hermana Eri, modelo profesional. Ésta, mientras tanto, duerme en su habitación, sumida en un sueño "demasiado perfecto, demasiado puro".
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Used offers from £ 39.30
Also find Softcover First Edition
Published by Empúries, Barcelona, 2008
Language: Catalan
Seller: Llibrenet, Sant Feliu del Raco, BARC, Spain
First Edition
Encuadernación de tapa blanda. Condition: Bien. Novel·la (illustrator). 1ª Edición. Col. Narrativa, 334. Traducció d' Albert Nolla. Todos nuestros libros son de segunda mano. El servicio contrareembolso tiene un coste adicional de 3 euros. La fotografía del libro que aparece en la pantalla puede ser distinta a la real.
Seller: Grendel Books, ABAA/ILAB, Springfield, MA, U.S.A.
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Fine. Translated from the Japanese by Jay Rubin. Stated first American edition. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Very Good. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. First Edition. The binding is tight, corners sharp. Text unmarked. The dust jacket shows only a trace of handling, in a mylar cover. 8vo. 191pp.
Published by Harvill Secker, London, 2007
ISBN 10: 1846550475 ISBN 13: 9781846550478
Language: English
Seller: Twinwillow Books, Los Alamitos, CA, U.S.A.
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Near Fine. 1st Edition. First published in Great Britain in 2007 stated with complete number line. 5 3/4 x 8 3/4 Book; binding tight, boards straight and clean; text free of marks, appears unread. Dust jacket (L14.99) has minor fold to top rear flap else fine. Color bright and sharp. Under archival quality mylar cover. Photos upon request. Packed well and shipped in a sturdy box.
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Used offers from £ 52.07
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Published by Knopf, NY, 2007
Seller: Mostly Useful Fictions IOBA, Commack, NY, U.S.A.
First Edition
Hardcover; First Printing. Condition: NF. Dust Jacket Condition: F. First American Edition. Just a touch of shelfwear in a protected DJ. DJ. First American edition. ; 9 X 6 X 1.10 inches; 208 pages.
HARDCOVER. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Near Fine. First Edition. We're happy to combine shipping to save you some money. We're also always buying collectible book collections. Contact us for details. We're happy to provide pictures of any and all books for you, please just ask! Canadian first edition, first printing. Contains number line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Virtually no wear to jacket. Jacket is NOT price clipped. Covers are clean and bright. Edges are sharp. No tears or creases. The book itself is in Near Fine condition. The binding is straight and tight. NO remainder mark.
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Used offers from £ 60.18
Also find Hardcover First Edition
Seller: Lauso Books, BARCELONA, Spain
First Edition
Encuadernación de tapa blanda. Condition: Bien. 1ª Edición. S'acosta la mitjanit en un restaurant desangelat que obre tota la nit; la Mari beu un cafè a poc a poc i llegeix una novel·la. Només interromp la lectura per veure com un jove s'asseu a la seva taula: és en Takahashi, un amic de la seva germana que toca en un grup de jazz i l'ha reconeguda. A casa, la germana de la Mari, l'Eri, dorm profundament des de fa dos mesos.After Dark narra les històries entrelligades d'uns personatges solitaris a la recerca d'una identitat pròpia, que seuen en un bar mig buit i mantenen llargues i reveladores converses mentre beuen cafè i fumen sense parar. En la pura essència destil·lada del millor de la seva literatura, Murakami reconstrueix una història senzilla i captivadora.
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Near Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Near Fine. First Edition. Near fine book and jacket.
Published by Alfred A. Knopf Inc, New York,, 2007
Seller: Park & Read Books, Herndon, VA, U.S.A.
First Edition
Soft cover. Condition: New. 1st Edition. Softcover, trade paperback format, Uncorrected Proof as stated on cover, Bound in blue card-stock like covers with Publishing Information printed on cover, UNIQUE feature is the Actual Book Cover immediately inside Blue wraps, First Edition as stated, (assumed) First Printing due to being an Uncorrected Proof/Advance and First Edition, Novels by Haruki Murakami: * The Hard-boiled Wonderland and End of the World (1987) Norwegian Wood (1987) The Wind-up Bird Chronicle (1997) South of the Border, West of the Sun (1999) Sputnik Sweetheart (2001) Kafka on the Shore (2005) After Dark (2007) Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his Years of Pilgrimage (2014) Killing Commendatore (2018).
Published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2007
ISBN 10: 0307265838 ISBN 13: 9780307265838
Language: English
Seller: Carpetbagger Books, ABAA, Woodstock, IL, U.S.A.
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Fine. First Edition. Translated by Jay Rubin. Fine in a Fine jacket, unclipped ($22.95). Quarter pink paper with purple paper on the boards. Square and firmly bound, remainder dot on the bottom edge, clean internally. Murakami's novel of "night people" haunted by "secrets and needs that draw them together more powerfully than the differing circumstances that might keep them apart.".
Published by Harvill Secker, London, 2007
ISBN 10: 1846550475 ISBN 13: 9781846550478
Language: English
Seller: Dan Pope Books, West Hartford, CT, U.S.A.
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: New. Dust Jacket Condition: New. 1st Edition. London, 2007. First edition. First printing (with full number line including 1). Hardbound. Very Fine in a very fine jacket. A clean tight unread copy, purchased new and never opened. Publisher's price intact on front jacket flap. Comes with archival-quality mylar jacket protector. Smoke-free. A short novel, translated from the Japanese by Jay Rubin.
Published by Harvill Secker,, London,, 2007
ISBN 10: 1846550475 ISBN 13: 9781846550478
Language: English
First Edition
Paperback. Condition: Very Good. First Edition. Wraps. 8vo. pp 201. Uncorrected proof copy. Large format paperback. A sleek, gripping novel of encounters set in Tokyo during the spooky hours between midnight and dawn, by an internationally renowned literary phenomenon. ISBN: 9781846550478 Clean, very good.
Published by Harvill Secker, London, 2007
Language: English
Seller: Coach Books, Hutton Roof, United Kingdom
First Edition
Soft cover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: As New. 1st Edition. Harvill; 2007; An UNREAD, a fine, FIRST Edition, FIRST Printing, softcover. . #G.
First Edition
Condition: Marcas de uso. 1ª edición. 248 pág Tapa blanda, rústica con solapas Marcas de uso Andanzas 670 Novela. Traducción de Lourdes Porta.
Published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2007
Seller: Compass Rose Books, ABAA-ILAB, Kensington, CA, U.S.A.
First Edition
Hardcover. Condition: As New. Dust Jacket Condition: As New. First Edition. First Printing. A Very Fine copy in a Very Fine dustwrapper, not price-clipped. 191pp. Translated from the Japanese by Jay Rubin. English only. Q20326.
Published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2007
ISBN 10: 0307265838 ISBN 13: 9780307265838
Language: English
Seller: MintFirsts Ltd ABA, ILAB, PBFA, Macclesfield, CHESH, United Kingdom
First Edition
Hardback. Condition: As new. Dust Jacket Condition: As new. First edition in English. First edition in English. 8vo. Pp. [vi], 191, [1]. Quarter-bound shocking pink cloth over ribbed, purple paper boards, stamped in gilt to spine; fore-edges untrimmed. Dust jacket photography and design by Chip Kidd (priced $22.95 to front flap). 1/75,000 copies printed. Translated from the Japanese by Jay Rubin. Originally published in 2004 as Afuta daku, by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo. Author's twelfth novel, composed under the ear worming strains of Curtis Fuller's 'Five Spot After Dark' (1959). From drama to metaphysical speculation, three loosely interrelated stories of strange encounters by Tokyo denizens in the witching hours between midnight and dawn. A post-modern exemplar, the book is noted for having a 'real-time' timeline, with a 3 a.m. reading start-time recommended. "After Dark is hypnotically eerie, sometimes even funny, but most of all, it's a book that keeps ratcheting up the suspense." -Michael Dirda, Washington Post Book World. 424.
Cloth. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Fine. First Edition. 1st Edition 2007. Book and wrapper are fine. More images can be taken upon request. Ref18207.
Published by London: Harvill Secker., 2007
Seller: LUCIUS BOOKS (ABA, ILAB, PBFA), York, United Kingdom
First Edition
First edition, first printing. Original black paper-covered boards with silver titles to the spine, in dustwrapper. A near fine copy, the binding square and firm, the contents clean throughout and without previous owners stamps or inscriptions. There is a faint hint of spotting to the closed text-block edge and a tiny crease to the corner of page 131. Complete with the lightly rubbed and creased dustwrapper that is without fading, loss or tears. Not price-clipped (£14.99 on the front flap). A novel exploring the events of a single night in Tokyo. Further details and images for any of the items listed are available on request. Lucius Books welcomes direct contact with our customers.