Published by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, United Kingdom, London, 2019
ISBN 10: 147296361X ISBN 13: 9781472963611
Seller: WorldofBooks, Goring-By-Sea, WS, United Kingdom
Paperback. Condition: Fine. 'Hills advice is straightforward and no-nonsense' - The Guardian 'A life-transforming book fascinating - Daily Mail 'Maisie Hill has written a bloody brilliant book (pun intended). Everything you need to know about periods and how they affect you and your life is here. Its revolutionary' - Miranda Sawyer 'Thank GOODNESS for Maisie Hill! Flipping open the lid on a vital conversation. Its about time we claimed the power of our periods!' - Gemma Cairney, broadcaster & co-founder of Boom Shakalaka Productions 'This is such an important book. Maisie's insights and cycle strategy have changed my life and my cycle. Period Power is written with such intelligence, humour and a deep understanding of women's health. If you have a period you need to read this book.' - Anna Jones, author of The Modern Cooks Year ---- A profound and practical blueprint for aligning daily life with your menstrual cycle. Period Power is the handbook to periods and hormones that will leave you wondering why the hell nobody told you this sooner. The hormones of the menstrual cycle profoundly influence our energy, mood and behaviour, but all too often were taught that our hormones make us unreliable, moody bitches, or that its our lot in life to put up with womens problems. Maisie Hill, a womens health practitioner, knows the power of working with the menstrual cycle and refuses to accept this theory. Instead, Maisie believes that our hormones are there to serve us and, if utilized correctly, can be used to help you get what you want out of life. Yes, we are hormonal, and thats a very good thing. This revolutionary book reveals everything you need to know about taking control of your menstrual cycle and outlines The Cycle Strategy to help us perform at our best, throughout our cycle. In Period Power you will discover how to: - Maximise your natural superpowers each month while making adjustments for the darker days, and use Maisies favourite tips to improve them - Identify your personal patterns, powers and pitfalls for each phase of the menstrual cycle - Plan your month to perform at your best in all aspects of your life - Figure out if you have a hormonal imbalance and what to do about it Period Power is a no-nonsense guide with all the tools you need to improve your menstrual health.
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Published by Orion Publishing Co, 2022
ISBN 10: 0857829114 ISBN 13: 9780857829115
Seller: CitiRetail, Stevenage, United Kingdom
Cards. Condition: new. Cards. From feeling introspective in the first week of your cycle to decisive in the last, learn to recognise the effects of your hormones and harness their powers for good. Best-selling author and women's health practitioner Maisie Hill breaks down her cycle strategy into 48 cards to help us make sense of the experiences and emotions that come with our cycles. Each card reveals how to access that season's superpowers, sidestep the dangers and choose the ultimate self-care strategy to get your cycle working for you. The menstrual cycle is under-appreciated but, with the help of these cards, you'll see that it is the most unused and underrated tool for improving our lives.TRACK YOUR CYCLE and become aware of how you experience your Winter, Spring, Summer and AutumnGET TO KNOW YOUR HORMONES and find out and how you can use them to improve your career, relationships and healthMANAGE YOUR MENTAL HEALTH and improve your body literacy by checking in on yourself and identifying what you need 48 illustrated cards to help you harness your hormones and get your menstrual cycle working for you! Shipping may be from our UK warehouse or from our Australian or US warehouses, depending on stock availability.
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Published by Fabbri Editore, 2019
ISBN 10: 8891581623 ISBN 13: 9788891581624
Seller: medimops, Berlin, Germany
Condition: good. Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
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Published by Green Tree, 2021
ISBN 10: 1472978862 ISBN 13: 9781472978868
Seller: GreatBookPricesUK, Castle Donington, DERBY, United Kingdom
Condition: New.
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Published by Green Tree, 2024
ISBN 10: 1472978927 ISBN 13: 9781472978929
Seller: GreatBookPricesUK, Castle Donington, DERBY, United Kingdom
Condition: New.
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Published by Quercus/Green Tree ltd, 2021
ISBN 10: 9124132985 ISBN 13: 9789124132989
Seller: Books 4 People, Leicester, LEI, United Kingdom
Condition: New.
Published by VAK Verlags GmbH, 2020
ISBN 10: 3867312303 ISBN 13: 9783867312301
Seller: GreatBookPricesUK, Castle Donington, DERBY, United Kingdom
Condition: As New. Unread book in perfect condition.
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Published by CB Books, 2022
ISBN 10: 2992517399 ISBN 13: 9782992517391
Seller: Books 4 People, Leicester, LEI, United Kingdom
Condition: New.
Published by VAK Verlags Gmbh Sep 2021, 2021
ISBN 10: 3867312516 ISBN 13: 9783867312516
Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. Neuware -In den Wechseljahren, also der Zeit vor der letzten Menstruation, leiden etwa drei Vierteil aller Frauen unter Beschwerden, die mit den sinkenden Hormonspiegeln einhergehen. Und dazu gehören nicht nur die bekannten Stimmungsschwankungen oder Hitzewallungen, sondern auch viele 'Zipperlein', die oft nicht mit der sogenannten Perimenopause in Verbindung gebracht werden. Seelische Durchhänger, ein stotterndes Herz, plötzliche Unverträglichkeiten, eine tröpfelnde Blase, schmerzende Gelenke oder nebelige Watte im Gehirn - all das sind 'Nebenwirkungen' des Hormonmangels, die viel zu selten offen angesprochen werden, sodass sich Frauen mit ihren Problemen alleine gelassen oder 'abgestempelt' fühlen.'Superpower für die Wechseljahre' bringt Licht ins Dunkel des hormonellen Abgrunds und klärt über all das auf, worüber bislang viel zu selten gesprochen wird. Nicht umsonst lautet der häufigste Satz in der Praxis der Autorin: 'Und warum hat mir das eigentlich noch nie jemand vorher erklärt 'Maisie Hill, selbst gerade 40 geworden, schreibt als Betroffene und Zyklus-Expertin zugleich über die körperlichen und hormonellen Veränderungen in den Wechseljahren und in der Zeit danach. Die Mischung aus informativem Sachbuch und praktischem Ratgeber gibt allen Frauen das Wissen an die Hand, das sie brauchen, um zu verstehen, was ab 'Ü40' im eigenen Körper abläuft. Frei nach dem Motto: 'Wer mehr weiß, weiß sich auch besser zu helfen.' 416 pp. Deutsch.
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Published by Laurence King Verlag Gmbh Mrz 2023, 2023
ISBN 10: 3962443282 ISBN 13: 9783962443283
Seller: AHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Germany
Nonbook. Condition: Neu. Neuware - Nutzen Sie die Kraft der Hormone! Der Menstruationszyklus ist das unterschätzteste und am wenigsten genutzte Werkzeug für weibliches Empowerment. Maisie Hills Zyklusstrategie hilft, die Emotionen und Erfahrungen, die wir während des Menstruationszyklus durchleben, sinnvoll zu nutzen und zeigt uns, wie wir auf unsere Superkräfte zugreifen, den Gefahren ausweichen und die richtige Selbstfürsorge wählen können, die zu uns und unserem Leben passt.
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Published by Bunga oü, 2023
ISBN 10: 9949989256 ISBN 13: 9789949989256
Seller: Ruslania, Helsinki, Finland
Condition: new. Pages: 440 Language: Estonian. "Kuutsükli vägi" on põhjalik, kuid praktiline raamat sellest, kuidas viiaigapäevaelu vastavusse menstruaaltsükliga, et anda naistele selge pilt, mis kurat toimub iga kuu nende hormoonidega ja kuidas nad saavad iga tsükli faasi enda jaoks tööle panna. Nii paljud naised tunnevad igal kuul osa ajast end maailma tipus, võimekatena, enesekindlalt ja seksikalt, seejärel aga leiavad end füüsilise ja emotsionaalse ebamugavuse ja väsimuse seisundist, soovides vaid Netflixi vaadates diivanil kägarasse tõmbuda. Aga mis oleks, kui selle asemel, et lihtsalt püüda oma kuutsükli faasid kuidagi üle elada, oleksid naised varustatud võimalusega neid paremaks muuta? Mis siis, kui meie soov ennast parandada oleks ühendatud vajadusega teada, mida meie emakas ja munasarjad iga kuu teevad? Rääkimata sellest, kuidas kasutada ära tsükli igas faasis peituvaid looduslikke supervõimeid, et me saaksime oma kuu planeerida nii, et see annaks parimaid tulemusi. Üheksakümmend protsenti naistest kogeb PMS-i, mis on erinevate tunnuste ja sümptomite poolest väga mitmekesine. Kuid ometi valitseb pidev arusaamatus sellest, mis see PMS tegelikult on, ning vähesed ravivõimalused valmistavad pettumust. Kasutades seda, mida Hill nimetab tsüklistrateegiaks - naise salarelvaks, kui tegemist on sinu suhete, karjääri ja tervise parandamisega -, rakendab ta idamaise ja lääne meditsiini põhimõtteid, et anda naistele kõik, mida nad vajavad, oma tsükli mõistmiseks. Samuti jagab ta kättesaadavaid ja praktilisi soovitusi, mille abil lugejad saavad leevendada oma füüsilisi sümptomeid. 9789949989256.
Published by Audible Studios on Brilliance audio, 2019
ISBN 10: 1799730034 ISBN 13: 9781799730033
Seller: Revaluation Books, Exeter, United Kingdom
CMD. Condition: Brand New. mp3 una edition. 6.75x5.25x0.50 inches. In Stock.
Published by Audible Studios on Brilliance audio, 2021
ISBN 10: 1713623595 ISBN 13: 9781713623595
Seller: Revaluation Books, Exeter, United Kingdom
Compact Disc. Condition: Brand New. mp3 una edition. 6.75x5.25x0.50 inches. In Stock.
Published by La Galera, S.A. Editorial, 2024
ISBN 13: 8425402581391
Seller: Imosver, PONTECALDELAS, Spain
Condition: Nuevo. Poder menstrual editado por La Galera, S.A. Editorial.
Published by La Galera, S.A. Editorial, 2024
ISBN 13: 8425402888711
Seller: Imosver, PONTECALDELAS, Spain
Condition: Nuevo. Poder menstrual editado por La Galera, S.A. Editorial.
Published by Green Tree/Orion Spring, 2020
ISBN 10: 912411491X ISBN 13: 9789124114916
Seller: GF Books, Inc., Hawthorne, CA, U.S.A.
Condition: New. Book is in NEW condition. 2.05.
Published by Laurence King Publishing, 2022
Seller: Collectors Bookstore, Antwerpen, Belgium
Paperback. Condition: Fine. Period Power get your cycle working for you: a deck of 48 cards Special Collection by Maisie Hill. Published by Laurence King Publishing in 2022. Paperback. What makes this title so special is its limited availability. - Publishers Weekly. Collectible item in very fine condition.