This account of the Oxford or Tractarian movement provides essential information to the study of English church history and the history of England during the Victorian era. This book is an up-to-date, scholarly but approachable exploration of the Movement which features primary material from a range of its key members. Herring looks at the relationship between the Movement and the older, pre-1833 High Church tradition and, crucially, at developments after Newman's departure for Rome in 1845. By placing the Tractarians in the general political and social context of Victorian movements that sought to revitalize England's traditional institutions during a period of urbanization and industrialization, Herring brings new meaning to the movement.
"This book is the best general introduction to Tractarian ideas, events, parishes and documents, and it deserves a wide audience."
Helpful maps and graphs are provided, in addition to an appendix of 40 short primary texts, which allow the reader to experience first-hand the tone and flavor of the writings of both the Tractarians and their opponents. Herring s book focuses on the idea s and implications of the movement. - The Episcopal New Yorker, July / August 2004
"Set to become a key student text."--Northallerton Thirsk & Bedale Times, 3 May 2002
"An invaluable short study of the catholic revival that took place within the Anglican Church during the 19th century."
Oxford Today, Michalmas Issue 2002.
"George Herring has produed a useful introduction to the Oxford Movement, outlining the key contexts, ideas and events, supported by well chosen quotations from primary texts."
Andrew Atherstone, Ecclesistical History, April 2003
"Set to become a key student text." Northallerton Thirsk & Bedale Times, 3 May 2002
"The author charts the progress of Tractarianism from its pre-1833 high-church inspiration through later ritualist developments with an impressive balance of attention...This book is the best general introduction to Tractarian ideas, events, parishes and documents, and it deserves a wide audience." The Living Church, March 9, 2003
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.