About this Item
Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1 [Art of Individual Fighting in the Middle Ages; Tournaments & Schools of Fence; Sword-Dancers; Sword-Men & Gladiators; Sword and buckler & Swash-bucklers; Obnoxious Nature of Early Fencing Schools; Chartered Corporation of Maisters of Fence under the Tudors; Introduction of Rapier-Play in England; National Prejudice Against the New-Fangled Weapon; G.Silver's Briefe Sketche of Three Italian Teachers of Offence'; Ancient Teutonic Schools; Marxbrüder, Federfechter & Luxbrüder; Ancient Fencing Schools in Spain; Degrees in Arms in the Corporation of Fencing-Masters in Spain; Early Italian Schools of Arms]; Chapter 2 [Antonio Manciolino & Achille Marozzo; Classification of Cuts; Fanciful Guards of the Early Italian Schools; Marozzo's Progression; Practice in the Fencing Room; Oath Exacted from New Pupils; Camillo Agrippa's System; Numerical Guards & Free Use of the Point; Giacomo di Grassi; Typical System of Early Rapier-Play]; Chapter 3 [Early 16th Century Fencing Schools in France & Foreign Masters; La noble science des joueurs d'espee'; Henri de Sainct Didier; Mania for Duelling under the Valois; Angelo Viggiani First Definition of the Lunge]; Chapter 4 [Geronimo Sanchez Carranza; Father of the Science of Arms in Spain; Don Luis Pacheco de Narvaez; Narvaez's Progression; Early 14th Century Fencing Schools in Germany; Schwerdt and the Düsack; Joachim Meyer; Jacob Sutor; German Fencing Terms]; Chapter 5 [Vincentio Saviolo his Practise'; Rapier Alone; Rapier & Dagger; George Silver's Paradoxe of Defence']; Chapter 6 [Salvator Fabris; Guardia & Contrapostura; Rules for Engagement and Disengagement; Chapter 7 [Cavalcabos of Bologna; Nicoletto Giganti; Botta Lunga; Ridolfo Capo Ferro]; Chapter 8 [Early Years of Academie d'Armes'; Italian & Spanish Masters in France; Girard Thibaust d'Anvers; Academie de I'Espee'; Mysterious Circle]; + 7 subsequent chapters without jacket. Seller Inventory # 0109
Bibliographic Details
Title: Schools and Masters of Fence from the Middle...
Publication Date: 1969
Binding: Couverture rigide
Condition: Comme neuf
Dust Jacket Condition: Pas de jaquette
Edition: 3ème Édition
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