Deepak Chopra y David Simon, dos de los más reconocidos médicos pensadores de nuestro tiempo, desvelan en este libro los secretos para renovarse y revertir los efectos del envejecimiento.Un maravilloso viaje a través del milagro del rejuvenecimiento.
Este libro nos brinda todas las herramientas necesarias para revertir nuestra edad biológica a través de diez pasos, explicados de forma clara y sencilla, que nos permitirán mantener la mente joven, cultivar la flexibilidad, reavivar la energía sexual, fortalecer nuestro sistema inmunológico y cambiar nuestras percepciones.
Deja a un lado el escepticismo y observa los efectos rejuvenecedores de este milagroso programa.
In Grow Younger, Live Longer, Deepak Chopra, a pioneer in mind/body medicine, applies his decades of research and knowledge to actually reverse the aging process. This simple and practical step-by-step program designed by Dr. Chopra and his associate, David Simon, M.D., shows how it is essential to renew all dimensions of the self--the body, mind, and spirit--in order to feel and look younger.
The ten-step program detailed in this book will immediately improve your sense of well-being, and the three Daily Actions accompanying each step will help you thoroughly integrate the age reversal process into your life. Learn how to maintain a youthful mind, cultivate flexibility, strengthen your immune system, nourish your body, and much more. As you begin to reverse your biological age, you will find yourself tapping into your inner reservoirs of unlimited energy, creativity, and vitality.