COVENT GARDEN DROLLERY. This Edition consists of 575 Copies, printed by The Whitefriars Press on ... COVENT GARDEN DROLLERY. This Edition consists of 575 Copies, printed by The Whitefriars Press on ...

COVENT GARDEN DROLLERY. This Edition consists of 575 Copies, printed by The Whitefriars Press on English unbleached hand-made Paper: of which this is Number 476.


Published by The Fortune Press 12, Buckingham Palace Road., London, 1927

From Marrins Bookshop, Folkestone, KENT, United Kingdom Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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8vo. 5.5 x 7.75 inches. vi + [2] + 123 + [1] pp. Bound in quarter cloth, gilt, over stiff card boards, in pictorial dust wrapper, which has a few small edge chips, including tail of spine, Deckled edges. Some pages uncut. A fine copy in the original wrapper. Illustrated by frontispiece and by facsimile title page of first edition. Decorated by vignettes, including title page and endpiece. An attractive reprint of of this work of 1672, subtitled A Collection of all the Choice Songs, Poems, Prologues, and Epilogues, (Sung and Spoken at Courts and Theaters) never in Print before. Written by the refined'st Witts of the Age. And collected by A. B. With explanatory notes at the end, it was edited by Montague Summers (1880-1948), author and clergyman, who wrote on witchcraft and the occult in addition to his interest in seventeenth century drama. He edited the works of Aphra Behn (1640-89), poet, playwright and novelist and it has been suggested that A. B. could stand for her. The Fortune Press was founded by R. A. Caton (1892-1971) in 1924 and continued into the post-war years, publishing some of the early works of Philip Larkin. ART / LITERATURE THEATRE LIT. FICTION DRAMA 17TH CENTURY ART / LITERATURE. Seller Inventory # 26015

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Bibliographic Details

Title: COVENT GARDEN DROLLERY. This Edition ...
Publisher: The Fortune Press 12, Buckingham Palace Road., London
Publication Date: 1927

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