An Authentic Narrative of Mr. Kemble s Retirement from the Stage; including Farewell Address, ... An Authentic Narrative of Mr. Kemble s Retirement from the Stage; including Farewell Address, ... An Authentic Narrative of Mr. Kemble s Retirement from the Stage; including Farewell Address, ... An Authentic Narrative of Mr. Kemble s Retirement from the Stage; including Farewell Address, ...

An Authentic Narrative of Mr. Kemble s Retirement from the Stage; including Farewell Address, Criticisms, Poems, &c., Selected from Various Periodical Publications; with An Account of the Dinner Given at the Freemason s Tavern, June 27th, 1817; An Alphabetical List of the Company Present; Speeches of Lord Holland, Mr. Kemble; Mr. Cambell s Ode, &c. & c. To which is Prefixed an Essay, Biographical and Critical, Embellished with Plates


Published by John Miller, 1817
Used Hardcover

From ROBIN RARE BOOKS at the Midtown Scholar, Harrisburg, PA, U.S.A. Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

AbeBooks Seller since 21 November 2006

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In good condition. Spine has been nicely rebacked. Original leather is desiccated with scuffing and dryness. Marbled boards are lightly toned with minor soiling. Text block is evenly toned. front end papers are severely foxed with light dampness staining. Front gutter is slightly shaken. Binding is tight and intact. A sound copy. Please see photos. A comprehensive, illustrated, account of the famous actor s retirement and its associated activities. Included are farewell addresses, criticisms and poems from periodicals together with an account of the dinner given in his honor at the Freemason s Tavern. Quite scarce. Seller Inventory # RAREB1817DMOK

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Bibliographic Details

Title: An Authentic Narrative of Mr. Kemble s ...
Publisher: John Miller
Publication Date: 1817
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Good
Dust Jacket Condition: No Jacket

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