Rare book
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
"Not just the great Spanish-language novel of this decade, but one of the cornerstones that define an entire literature. [Bolano] has revived an idea that the postmoderns seemed to have abandoned: the totalizing novel, one that aspires to create a complete narrative universe. This idea goes back to the dawn of the modernists, to REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST and ULYSSES, and in Latin American literature finds its crucial expression in the Boom ... 2666 is a magisterial and inimitable novel, in which reality takes on a strange air of unreality thanks to situational oddities and absurdities, hairpin turns of language, dreams, sustained questioning, vague associations, changing landscapes. A novel rising like a delirious mirage in the void." --J.A. Masoliver Rodenas, LA VANGUARDIA
"A work of genius: a work of immense lucidity and narrative cunning, written with a unique mixture of creative power and intimate existential desperation, the work of a master whose voice has all the authority and seeming effortlessness that we associate with the great classics of the ages ... It is impossible to read this book without feeling the earth shift beneath one's feet. It is impossible to venture deep into writing so unforgiving without feeling inwardly moved--by a shudder of fear, maybe even horror, but also by its need to pay attention, by its desire for clarity, by its hunger for the real." --Andres Ibanaz, BLANCO Y NEGRO
"Without a doubt the greatest of Bolano's productions ... The five parts of this masterwork can be read separately, as five isolated novels; none loses any of its brilliance, but what's lost is the grandeur that they achieve in combination, the grandeur of a project trulyrare in fiction nowadays, one that can be enjoyed only in its totality." --Ana Maria Moix, EL PAIS
"Make no mistake, 2666 is a work of huge importance ... a complex literary experience, in which the author seeks to set down his nightmares while he feels time running out. Bolano inspires passion, even when his material, his era, and his volume seem overwhelming. This could only be published in a single volume, and it can only be read as one." --EL MUNDO
"One of those strange, exquisite, and astonishing experiences that literature offers us only once in a very long time. What 2666 promises and achieves ... is the sight, equally wonderful and upsetting, of a writer in full pursuit of the Total Novel, one that not only completes his life's work but, at the same time, redefines it and raises it to new vertiginous heights ... 2666 could be described as a "cosmic novel" because--as with the universe--the crucial and amazing thing is not that it's unfinished, but that it has no end." --Rodrigo Fresan, EL PAIS
"An absolute masterpiece ... Bolano writes almost without adjectives, but in his prose this leads to double meanings. The narration is pure metonymy: it omits feelings in favor of facts. A phone call or a sex act can express real tragedy, the sweep of the vast human condition." --Andres Lomena, LA OPINION DE MALAGA
"Bolano's masterwork . . . An often shockingly raunchy and violent tour de force (though the phrase seems hardly adequate to describe the novel's narrative velocity, polyphonic range, inventiveness, and bravery) based in part on the still unsolved murders of hundreds of women in Ciudad Juarez, in the Sonora desert near the Texas border." --FRANCISCO GOLDMAN, "The New York Review of Books" "Not just the great Spanish-language novel of [this] decade, but one of the cornerstones that define an entire literature." --J. A. MASOLIVER RODENAS, "La Vanguardia" "One of those strange, exquisite, and astonishing experiences that literature offers us only once in a very long time . . . to see . . . a writer in full pursuit of the Total Novel, one that not only completes his life's work but redefines it and raises it to new dizzying heights." --RODRIGO FRESAN, "El Pais """
"Bolano's savoir-faire is incredible ... The exploded narrative reveals a virtuosity that we rarely encounter, and one cannot help being bowled over by certain bravura passages--to single one out, the series of reports describing murdered young women, which is both magnificent and unbearable. We won't even mention the 'resolution' of this infernal 2666, a world of a novel in which the power of words triumphs over savagery." --Baptiste Liger, L'EXPRESS
"Splendid ... The jaw-dropping synthesis of a brief but incredibly fertile career." --Fabrice Gabriel, LES INROCKUPTIBLES
"The event of the spring: with 2666 Roberto Bolano has given us his most dense, complex, and powerful novel, a meditation on literature and evil that begins with a sordid newspaper item in contemporary Mexico." --Morgan Boedec, CHRONIC ART
"Includingthe imaginary and the mythic alongside the real in his historiography, without ever dabbling in the magical realism dear to many of his Latin-American peers, Bolano strews his chronicle with dreams and visions. As in the films of David Lynch (with whom Bolano's novel shares a certain kinship) these become a catalyst for reflection ... In such darkness, one must keep one's eyes wide open. Bolano invites us to do just that." --Sabine Audrerie, LA CROIX
"An immense moment for literature ... With prodigious skill and his inimitable art of digression, Bolano leads us to the gates of his own hell. May he burn in peace." --TECHNIKART
"Bolano constructs a chaos that has an order all its own ... The state of the world today transmuted into literature." --Isabelle Ruf, LE TEMPS
"To confront the reader with the horror of the contemporary world was Bolano's guiding ambition. He succeeded, to say the least. Upset, shocked, sometimes even sickened, at times one is tempted to shut the book because it's unbearable to read. Don't shut it. Far from being a blood-and-guts thriller meant to entertain, 2666 is a 'visceral realist" portrait of the human condition in the twenty-first century." --Anna Topaloff, MARIANNE
"On every page the reader marvels, hypnotized, at the capacity of this baroque writer to encompass all literary genres in a single fascinating, enigmatic story. No doubt many readers will find 2666 inexhaustible to interpretation. It is a fully realized work by a pure genius at the height of his powers." --LIRE
"His masterpiece ... Bolano borrows from vaudeville and the campus novel, from noir and pulp, from science fiction, from the Bildungsroman, from war novels; the tone of hiswriting oscillates between humor and total darkness, between the simplicity of a fairytale and the false neutrality of a police report." --Minh Tran Huy, LE MAGAZINE LITTERAIRE (Paris)
"The book explores evil with irony, without any theory or resolution, relying on storytelling alone as its saving grace... Each story is an adventure: a fresco at once horrifying, delicate, grotesque, redundant, and absurd, revealed by the flashlight of a child who stands at the threshold of a cave he will never leave." --Philippe Lancon, LIBERATION
"If THE SAVAGE DETECTIVES recounted the end of a century of avant-gardes and ideological battles, 2666, more radically, evokes the end of humanity as we know it. Apocalyptic in this sense, wavering between decomposition and totality, endlessly in love with people and books, Bolano's last novel ranges over the world and history like the knight Percival, who in Bolano's words 'wears his fool's motley underneath his armor.'" --Fabienne Dumontet, LE MONDE DES LIVRES (Paris)
"A work of genius: a work of immense lucidity and narrative cunning, written with a unique mixture of creative power and intimate existential desperation, the work of a master whose voice has all the authority and seeming effortlessness that we associate with the great classics of the ages ... It is impossible to read this book without feeling the earth shift beneath one's feet. It is impossible to venture deep into writing so unforgiving without feeling inwardly moved--by a shudder of fear, maybe even horror, but also by its need to pay attention, by its desire for clarity, by its hunger for the real." --Andres Ibanaz, BLANCO Y NEGRO
"Without a doubt the greatest of Bolano'sproductions ... The five parts of this masterwork can be read separately, as five isolated novels; none loses any of its brilliance, but what's lost is the grandeur that they achieve in combination, the grandeur of a project truly rare in fiction nowadays, one that can be enjoyed only in its totality." --Ana Maria Moix, EL PAIS
"Make no mistake, 2666 is a work of huge importance ... a complex literary experience, in which the author seeks to set down his nightmares while he feels time running out. Bolano inspires passion, even when his material, his era, and his volume seem overwhelming. This could only be published in a single volume, and it can only be read as one." --EL MUNDO
"An absolute masterpiece ... Bolano writes almost without adjectives, but in his prose this leads to double meanings. The narration is pure metonymy: it omits feelings in favor of facts. A phone call or a sex act can express real tragedy, the sweep of the vast human condition." --Andres Lomena, LA OPINION DE MALAGA
"" "
Roberto Bolano was born in Santiago, Chile, in 1953. He grew up in Chile and Mexico City, where he was a founder of the Infrarealist poetry movement. His first full-length novel, "The Savage Detectives", received the Herralde Prize and the Romulo Gallegos Prize when it appeared in 1998. Roberto Bolano died in Blanes, Spain, at the age of fifty.
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
£ 3.24
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Encuadernación de tapa blanda. Condition: Muy bien. Muy bueno/ Very good. Seller Inventory # 0004955
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Seller: La Social. Galería y Libros, Barcelona, BCN, Spain
Tapa blanda. Condition: Bien. Colección "Narrativas Hispánicas" núm. 366. BUEN ejemplar con arrugas de lectura. 1125pp + Índice. Seller Inventory # 002954
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Seller: LIBRERÍA SOLAR DEL BRUTO, Puente Tocinos, Murcia, Spain
Rústica, paperback. 5ª edición. 1125 p., 22 x 14 cm Español Dedicatoria al anterior propietario, Buen estado. Seller Inventory # 103815
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Seller: Librería Alonso Quijano, Alcobendas, MADRI, Spain
Novela(82-31) Anagrama. Encuadernación en tapa Blanda. Bolaño, Roberto. 22 cm. 2666Tapa deslucida.Tapa ilustrada. Pags.1125.Volúmenes. Libro usado. Seller Inventory # A2AQA398352
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Seller: Book Deals, Tucson, AZ, U.S.A.
Condition: Good. Good condition. This is the average used book, that has all pages or leaves present, but may include writing. Book may be ex-library with stamps and stickers. 2.3. Seller Inventory # 353-843396867X-gdd
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Seller: Books Unplugged, Amherst, NY, U.S.A.
Condition: Fair. Buy with confidence! Book is in acceptable condition with wear to the pages, binding, and some marks within 2.3. Seller Inventory # bk843396867Xxvz189zvxacp
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Seller: Alcaná Libros, Madrid, Spain
tapa blanda. Condition: Bien. Literatura española (821.134.2(83)-31"19") Anagrama. Barcelona. 2004. 22 cm. 1125 p. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Bolaño, Roberto 1953-2003. Dos mil seiscientos sesenta y seis. Narrativas hispánicas. volumen coleccion( 366) . ISBN: 843396867X (=3311739=) LG223. Seller Inventory # 3311739
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Seller: Librería Smile Books, Badalona, BCN, Spain
TAPA BLANDA. NARRATIVAS HISPÁNICAS CASTELLANO Observaciones : CUBIERTA Y LOMO ESTRIADO/ HAY UNAS 20 PÁGINAS CON SUBRAYADO EN BOLI EN EL INTERIOR. Título descatalogado.A cuatro profesores de literatura, Jean-Claude Pelletier (francés), Piero Morini (italiano), Manuel Espinoza (español) y Liz Norton (inglesa), los une su común fascinación por la obra de Beno von Archimboldi, un enigmático escritor alemán cuyo prestigio crece en todo el mundo. La complicidad entre los cuatro adquiere pronto trazas de vodevil intelectual y cosmopolita -con ménage à trois incluido-, y desemboca en un disparatado peregrinaje a Santa Teresa (trasunto de Ciudad Juárez), en la frontera de México con Estados Unidos, donde hay quien dice que Archimboldi ha sido visto. Ya en Santa Teresa, Pelletier y Espinoza se enteran de que la ciudad viene siendo desde años atrás escenario de una larga cadena de crímenes atroces. En los vertederos de la ciudad no cesan de aparecer los cadáveres de mujeres, muchas de ellas apenas adolescentes, con señales de haber sido salvajemente violadas y torturadas. Es el primer asomo de la novela al agujero negro en que terminarán por precipitarse sus múltiples y procelosos caudales, repletos de personajes memorables cuyas historias, a caballo siempre entre la risa y el horror, abarcan dos continentes e incluyen, entre muchas otras cosas, un vertiginoso travelling por la historia europea del siglo XX, por las ruinas de una cultura y una civilización en derrota en las que la literatura continúa invocando un simulacro de salvación.Resulta imposible sugerir siquiera la enormidad y las profundidades de un libro que se construye como una novela empotrada en otra novela empotrada a su vez en otra novela. y que se abre así camino en lo desconocido, allí donde -como dice uno de los personajes- tienen lugar «los combates de verdad, en donde los grandes maestros luchan contra aquello, ese aquello que nos atemoriza a todos, ese aquello que acoquina y encacha, y hay sangre y heridas mortales y fetidez».Asombroso alarde de audacia y de poderío narrativo, 2666 mezcla moldes y esencias de la mejor narrativa europea y americana para proponerse como una nueva y revolucionaria modalidad de novela total, que combina rasgos de relato detectivesco y de poema épico, de novela de artista y de novela filosófica, de fantaciencia y de reportaje periodístico, para ofrecer, entreverado a una frondosa meditación sobre el mal y sobre la muerte, sobre la literatura y la insignificancia y el olvido, «un retrato del mundo industrial en el Tercer Mundo, una panorámica de la frontera, un relato policial de primera magnitud».No parece exagerado sostener que esta novela prodigiosa está llamada a ocupar un lugar de excepción comparable al de una novela como Pedro Páramo. El número que lleva por título, 2666, bien podría ser la fecha inscrita en la lápida que nos descubre a todos, personajes y lectores, como habitantes de un futuro cementerio olvidado, poblado de voces. Y desde luego confirma sobradamente el veredicto de Susan Sontag: «el más influyente y admirado novelista en lengua española de su generación. Su muerte, a los cincuenta años, es una gran pérdida para la literatura». EN BUEN ESTADO (MARCAS DE USO NORMAL). Seller Inventory # 9999903502975/15691
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: RecicLibros, Madrid, MAD, Spain
Condition: Aceptable. Gracias, su compra ayuda a financiar programas para combatir el analfabetismo. Seller Inventory # 8539202412314AEF19788433968
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Seller: Librairie Cayenne, Lisboa, LIS, Portugal
Encuadernación de tapa blanda. Condition: Muy bien. Muy bueno/ Very good. Seller Inventory # Abe4955
Quantity: 10 available