Acupuncture in Latin means A"sticking with the needle.A" Each of the 409 important acupuncture points is presented with an anatomical graphic, an overview of the meridian and a photo showing the needle placement. The combination of Chinese sources and the authors' therapeutic experiences provides a sensible balance between the most important indications and practical needs. The names, properties, and applications of the individual acupuncture points have been revised on this basis. Far-Eastern healing methods and Western observation techniques create a bridge between Asian and Western views of acupuncture. This acupuncture atlas not only provides beginners with an overview of the most important acupuncture points, but experienced practitioners can also learn about seldom used acupuncture points and thus extend their knowledge.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
£ 4.70
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Seller: Book Dispensary, Concord, ON, Canada
Hardcover. Condition: Very Good. Dust Jacket Condition: Good. VERY GOOD hardcover in GOOD dust jacket, no marks in text, some edgewear to jacket. Book. Seller Inventory # 149113
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: WorldofBooks, Goring-By-Sea, WS, United Kingdom
Paperback. Condition: Very Good. Acupuncture in Latin means A"sticking with the needle.A" Each of the 409 important acupuncture points is presented with an anatomical graphic, an overview of the meridian and a photo showing the needle placement. The combination of Chinese sources and the authors' therapeutic experiences provides a sensible balance between the most important indications and practical needs. The names, properties, and applications of the individual acupuncture points have been revised on this basis. Far-Eastern healing methods and Western observation techniques create a bridge between Asian and Western views of acupuncture. This acupuncture atlas not only provides beginners with an overview of the most important acupuncture points, but experienced practitioners can also learn about seldom used acupuncture points and thus extend their knowledge. The book has been read, but is in excellent condition. Pages are intact and not marred by notes or highlighting. The spine remains undamaged. Seller Inventory # GOR005420647
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: Pieuler Store, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Condition: good. 100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed ! The book shows some signs of wear from use but is a good readable copy. Cover in excellent condition. Binding tight. Pages in great shape, no tears. Not contain access codes, cd, DVD. Seller Inventory # PSG3833152893
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: Sunshine State Books, Lithia, FL, U.S.A.
hardcover. Condition: As New. Hardback--no flaws. Seller Inventory # VE240310061Z78
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: Pieuler Store, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Condition: new. Book is in NEW condition. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Fast Customer Service!!. Seller Inventory # PSN3833152893
Quantity: 1 available