This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1816 edition. Excerpt: ... the multitude when He entered Jerusalem, with several examples recorded in the Acts of the Apo9tles, we are more manifestly led to. the conclusion, that Paul and Silas expressed praise in language immediately adapted to the oceasion, and flowing from the then state of their own minds, and the cir-cumstances. in which they were placed. This is the conclusion most agreeable to reason, and the history of the transaction. The injunction of James is oPan equally indefinite character. No allusion is made to any particular song, old or new. The original word is psallito, and literally signifies let hint sing. Indeed this word'would be of more force ta establish the propriety of using instruments than the exclusive use of any particular boot of psalms. The word signifies to sing, accompanied with a psaltery, or musical instrument, to be beat or struck with the fingers, or an instrument for the purpose. Forcing such texts, therefore, as these, into the service, shows a great dearth of evidence; if not something of a reluetance to yield to the plain meaning of the word; and, indeed, an author ought not so triumphantly to say, that we never think--so confidently to demand evidence, until he is prepared with much better, to support the position he defends. The reader must certainly see, that as to the Psalms of David, there is not a tittle of evidence that either Christ or his apostles ever sung one of them; but that a number of others were sung, we have the most unquestionable proof. Probably about four years after the imprisonment of these servants of the cross at Philippi, Paul-wrote his first epistle to the Corinthian church. In this epistle he administered both reproof and instruction, respecting the gifts of the spirit with which they had been...
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