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The Age of Augustus (Blackwell Ancient Lives) - Hardcover

  • 3.78 out of 5 stars
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9780631229575: The Age of Augustus (Blackwell Ancient Lives)
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In this concise biography, Professor Werner Eck, one of the world′s leading experts on the Roman empire, tells the extraordinary story of Augustus, Rome′s first emperor. A concise and gripping account of Augustus and his age. Written by one of the world′s foremost experts on the Roman Empire. Examines the transformation of Rome from a republic to a monarchy. Covers domestic and foreign policy, constitutional developments, and cultural achievements. Compares Augustus′ own account of his life to other historical narratives and archaeological records. Includes a new translation of Augustus′ Res Gestae with a short introduction and a substantial bibliography to aid further study.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.


Werner Eck is an eminent Roman historian, and this is a very good book. It provides a compact, clear, balanced survey of Augustus′ career and achievements, and a just assessment of his larger place in history. Professor Christopher Jones, Harvard University

"It is an excellent handbook for students, and far surpasses any potential rivals." Mark Humphries, National University of Ireland, Maynooth

"His narrative (in this fine translation) is readable, rarely obscure and fluently glosses difficult terms and concepts in a way that obviates the need for a glossary. Moreover, he skillfully handles difficult constitutional matters without confusing the beginner, points out controversial issues, and marks his divergences with current scholarly opinion." Bryn Mawr Classical Review

"The book provides a narrative of Augustus′ achievements and expenditures on behalf of the Roman res publica, and seems destined to replace Brunt and Moore 1967 and other commentaries on the Res Gestae as a textbook of Augustan politics. With Zanker 1988 and White 1993 it would form the backbone of a course on the age of Augsutus. Eck is of course a recognized authority. He is the pre–eminent Roman administrative historian, prosopographer, and epigraphist of our time." The Classical Journal

About the Author

Werner Eck is Professor of Ancient History at Cologne University. He is one of the foremost Roman imperial historians in the world, having published 13 books and over 250 articles on this period. His main field of research is the social history of the Roman empire, Roman epigraphy, and the history of the early church. He is co–editor of the Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. His publications include Die Verwaltung des römischen Reiches in der Hohen Kaiserzeit (1995, second edition 1998), Das senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre (with A. Caballos and F. Fernández, 1996), and Tra epigrafia, prosopografia e archeologia: Scritti scelti, rielaborati ed aggiornati (1996).

Sarolta A. Takács is Associate Professor of Classics at Rutgers University. She is the author of Isis and Sarapis in the Roman World (1995) and has edited a number of books, including a critical co–edition with Cynthia Damon of the Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre (1999), originally published by Werner Eck.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherWiley–Blackwell
  • Publication date2002
  • ISBN 10 0631229574
  • ISBN 13 9780631229575
  • BindingHardcover
  • Number of pages176
  • Rating
    • 3.78 out of 5 stars
      177 ratings by Goodreads

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